I Saw Thee, Madame, Eh? 'Twas I.

Feb 26, 2006 14:39

I have a really good memory for faces. If I've seen someone just once, I'll recognize them even years later. For example, last night I was introduced to a young lady who I knew I'd seen before. I had no idea where until ekatarina mentioned that she had played Mrs. Potts in Beauty and the Beast. So I recognized her from seeing her once from two-thirds of the way back across a theatre, while she was in a rather elaborate costume, almost a year ago. I've also had situations where I recognized people in university that I hadn't seen since Kindergarten.

And yet, I have a terrible recall of faces. I can't call up pictures of people in my head. That's why, even though I'm a pretty good artist, I can't draw people without them being in front of me. I have a terrible time describing people, remembering eye colour, hair colour, hair style, or even whether or not they have facial hair or wear glasses.


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