You Can't Take The Sky From Me

Sep 29, 2005 21:01

Yesterday while picketing in the heart of downtown Victoria, I saw what I think was a juvenile Northern Goshawk.

It was sitting on a fence between the Telus parking lot and a vacant lot. After a long while it hopped down off the fence to the ground, and then flew back up to the fence with something in its talons. It was trying to eat its catch but was having trouble doing that and balancing at the same time, so it flew over to the top of a telephone pole; it swooped over our heads so near that I could see clearly that what it was holding was a mouse.

It ate its meal on the pole, and then sat staring at the field for a while longer. Spotting something, it swooped back down to earth, but apparently missed its target. It flew from there to a fence on the other side of the field, and then flew away a while later.


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