Drab Bard

Aug 23, 2005 01:14

Seagirt Summer Tourney report:

Well, some wine anyway. Mostly vodka drinks, some rum, some mead, but there was a little wine. It was a strange drunk for me- I just wasn't feeling it so I kept on drinking. I didn't feel wobbly, my bardic courage never really took hold, I didn't become an outrageous flirt- nothing. The only effect I noticed was that I forgot lyrics (more on that below). I stayed up long enough to be sober before going to sleep just in case.
I did get a chance to see many of my favourite people. Took Z swimming with sheer_obsidian, bravewolf, sven314 and a few others, played Tierce with a bunch of people, had a chance to witness the deification of pumpkinpatch, got to wander around with sheer_obsidian and ekatarina, spent a bit of time visiting with realtsunamigirl, got to hug glass_hurricane a bunch, got to watch myrrmyrr dance, and got fed cheesecake by my awesome apprentice, inkie.
My autopilot was broken at the Bardic. Some of my pieces require me to just shut my brain off and let the words pour out. I had no trouble with the shutting off part, but words were not coming out in the right order. I completely fumbled Iago's An Tir, and got lost numerous times in the telling of Goldihat and the Three Peers (although I did improvise a bit at the beginning while stalling that I may keep). I came back to the circle a bit later and tried Iago's An Tir again, and nailed it.

events:sca:sst, bardic

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