Dec 29, 2007 01:22
There's this girl that I work with who seems to get phone numbers left on her tables on a regular basis. She has worked at Chili's almost as long as I have... we're talking that I've been on the floor maybe three days more than her. At any rate, I have been waiting tables for nearly four or five years now and have never had one left on a receipt or on a table ever (I am excluding any type of business card or networking type conversations). I know this is going to sound rather mean, but I don't care... this girl is very tiny... I mean, her waist is as large as my thigh and she bleaches her hair so much that it is white/grey. Although she has a very sweet disposition, she can seem to be one of those girlsl who expects things to just fall into place or happen around her because she has always been shown special attention... and maybe the thing is that I cannot figure out why. I mean.... she has beautiful eyes, but wouldn't really seem to stand out to me in a group of individuals and yet people seem to be drawn to her, and leaving their phone numbers! I know that there are different ways of taking care of tables and the truth is that I have never been good at being a "center of attention" waitress. In my mind, you are not there because of me (unless I have waited on you before) but because you are hungry and you just so happened to stop where I work. Granted, every table is different and interactions with individuals vary but in my mind, I am there to make sure that you get your food as fast as possible, as accuratly as you got it, with your drinks nearly full, as long as you are dining with me (with the exceptions being for those idiots who drinks non-stop... they will just have to WAIT for another glass that doesn't apparently have a hole in the bottom of it, or if you've been sitting at my table for an extremly long time... ie more than three hours). I will not typically jump into conversations because... the truth is that if you wanted me to take part in them you will either ask me my opinion, or have asked me to lunch yourself! This is just the type of person that I am when waiting on individuals. I will be present as much or as little as you like, and will try to invovle you as much as possible with your surroundings and some small chit-chat about life, but the truth is that 99% of the individuals that sit at my table will not even remember my name after I say it. So, I don't know, it just is very surprising to me that thsi girl continues to get phone numbers (granted, from high schoolers) and I cannot figure out why. On top of that, the more ironic thing is that she complains about the kind of money she makes, while I'm making nearly 18-20% of my sales every shift I work. I have been there only a little over a month and am already, based on numbers, the best server at the location. Yes, I'd much rather make the money then come home with phone numbers at the end of the night, but what seems to make some more approachable than others? As I finish writing this, I do realize that the "good guys" are probably the ones too scared to leave phone numbers, but it seriously is an ego boost. In addition, this doesn't just apply to girls, there's a guy I work with (that is a complete asshole and looks at women as objects, but that is entirely too much to get into at the moment) that gets numbers too...