Sep 07, 2004 13:54
BegginingOfAnEnd: hows the college going!?
peridot fall: in the words of tony the Tiger (did he die or something? i haven't seen him in forever) "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!"
BegginingOfAnEnd: yay
BegginingOfAnEnd: and yes :-(tony the tiger did die
peridot fall: how sad...i wonder why i wasn't invited to the funeral
peridot fall: we were on very good terms, i thought
BegginingOfAnEnd: i loved tony the tiger
BegginingOfAnEnd: he was my hero
peridot fall: i would buy his cereal, and eat it, and he would tell me how great everything was
BegginingOfAnEnd: lol
peridot fall: now i have nobody
BegginingOfAnEnd: thats such a sad story
peridot fall: i'm so lost and confused without his guidance
peridot fall: oh woe is me!
peridot fall: what could ameliorate this dolor?
BegginingOfAnEnd: we must get passed this hard time in our lifes
peridot fall: yes
peridot fall: we must focus our attentions on Lucky, or the silly rabbit
BegginingOfAnEnd: we must cherish our fond memorys of tony and move on
peridot fall: or even the good old quaker!
BegginingOfAnEnd: YES!
peridot fall: ...Quaker always looks kind of lonely
peridot fall: i'm sure i could give him so gay lovin'
BegginingOfAnEnd: lol
peridot fall: i think he needs it too
BegginingOfAnEnd: yes he does
peridot fall: lol, could you imagine macking on a quaker?
BegginingOfAnEnd: i say lots of stuff i dont understand and many people around me dont understand me either!
peridot fall: that's what brings the fun in life though
BegginingOfAnEnd: i know
peridot fall: like walking into a room and saying "holy snorglefarple"
BegginingOfAnEnd: lol
BegginingOfAnEnd: i wanna do that now
peridot fall: ready set go