Sep 06, 2004 17:15

i'm back at school, and soo happy...

for those of you that "speak" japanese...when you're saying something like "soo desu"...don't fucking write "sou desu" (そうです) cuz you're wrong! (this is a big pet peeve of mine). When writing in hiragana (ひらがな) if you encounter a double "o" (such as so-o) the second character becomes a "u" instead of an "o" (う instead of お). This does not mean that, when writing in romanjii, the second "o" also becomes a "u" because it's not! you don't say "so-u de-su" you say "so-o de-s" (the "u" following the "s" in "desu" is silent)


okay...done with rant...

driving back here was lots of fun, surprisingly. There was no traffic, so i cruised at a steady 79mph with the music cranked. It's so much comfortable to be driving by yourself and having your own music...it helps pass the time like woah.

I don't get to see chris today...*sadness* but tommorow!!!

Grand Rapids feels like home, it really does, and i really like that ^_^

p.s. my icon is my first grade picture...awwwww
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