hey xD;; here's a little (image-wise, not little at all) update on what's running. i was done exams on the 11th, then stayed for my bf <3<3 til the 13th. and then came back home. ;D now i have a 2 weeks 'vacation' before Fall term starts again.
A little update on what i came back for.
WARNING: Do not enter if you fear Blythe dolls ;D
At first they pulled me to my room, saying they discovered something.. o.O;
So I decided to pick it up and observe it, it seems that the box has travelled all the way from South Korean :D
this means.. this means ;D .... i get to open the box.. and they get to...
play with the packaging ;DD and inside was..
a grumpy lady in a box but i don't blame her for being grumpy!! it was a long trip..then even worst...
They were finally done playing with the packaging, and decided
to see what was really in the box. .. in their own ways ;D
WARNING: image heavy D: and lots of Blythie pics
After all that unwrapping and pulling of tape and scissors.. .. gosh, that girl was wearing a robe of
plastic and tape from head to toe, must have been really uncomfortable ;( ..
She's just so beautiful D:: .. and she even comes with a bra + 2 underwears + tennis racket + towel + headwear + tennis balls, etc.
<-- in Barbie clothes.
Around August 26th-ish, CN-Expo is on. and my bro got a table there. so i decided to help out at making use of having obtained a spot. So now i'm making prints D: i dunno if I have enough time. But this is what I have finished today. I used my brother's tablet, and Corel Painter IX.. NOW i see the difference between mouse and tablet ;D
Ohhh.. and I played a lot of Lineage II with my bf and another friend ;D funfunfun. and then joined a clan with them both, died in the clan war, and then killed some raidboss.. awesomeawesomeawesome.. ohh, and died painfully many times ;D SCREENIES.
First of all, it's a private server, so the drop rate was 100%. + a lot of random PKers @o@).. + high exp gain = fast easy lvl'ing.
First, the clan war:
Crazy levelling at LOA with my wubby + our friend:
We died a lot, but we lvl'ed a lot too ;D My phantom ranger is now lvl 58 thx to my wubby buffer and dear friend willing to
level with me when i run so slow and easily get lost and confused lol.
Boss Raid with clan @ Tower of Insolence, 11th floor: