oodles of poodles!

Jan 09, 2005 17:17

i worked straight from 7.30 to 15.00
and my lunch break is starting to go all stretchy on me.
maybe i should go watch the sunset from the little window in my roof.

i have an inSANE two weeks.
i don't know if it will help to share my to-do list with the public... but maybe having it written down will help it to retain some form of proportion.

- the end of the semester is coming up, so that means i have to actually start checking student's exercises.
- including completing a re-design of http://www.salonmazal.org with my ascola-meimad students (at the very least, we can't do worse than the hot-pink, dump-it-all-here concept).
- i have a 2-session, 14 hr(yikes!!!) seminar on developmental/learning theories and informal education.
- i have a guest lecture to present to the architecture department at the Technion.
(found out today it's for no pay. *Poodles*. but i do get a complimentary DVD of my lecture.
double-yikes! i don't want to be filmed!!)
- prepare two new courses for the next semester at Holon Academic Institute
- continue the development of the educational/therapeutic in-classroom RPG game, working title: Gaia (like, shouldn't there be at least 10 RPG's out there entitled Gaia?
if not, this is a severe oversight of a name that should by all means be overly abused.
i'll be proud to provide the first version of this required cliche-title).

And, i found out today that i get to teach Digital Culture at Camera Obscura for the second year in a row!
They've never had a 2-years in a row teacher for this particular course. I don't know if that's because they decided I did a reasonable enough job... or if they've already gone through all other possible teachers, and no-one wants a re-do of the theoretical + unstructured course for "know-nothing" first year students course. (but me? i loooove shaping the unshapely masses that are new students' brainses. yesss. precioussesss.)

I'm going to be teaching 6 courses in 4 different schools next semester.
yikes again!!!

and i'm still hoping to enroll for my PhD in the spring semester.


now... i just need to:
- summarize new course structure
- read and summarize all learning concepts relating to Piaget and to Vygotsky.
- finish checking student's exercises

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