Aug 05, 2007 20:57
Well, I can't really say it's my family, it's more or less my dad.
I'm so done with his shit, I really am. It's fucking ridiculous. I realize that I'm about to be 20, I live on my own, I have a job....blah blah blah...but that doesn't change the fact that I have a mother and father who both work full fucking time.
My mom does what she can. It's understandable that she can't help me out financially as much as maybe some parents would....she still takes care of my bro, she has a brand new car, she's paying 1000 a month for her new apartment....all that jazz....but for the most part when I ask her if I can borrow some dough, she's for it and she never says shit to me about paying her back.
This fucking dude has not done SHIT for me since I was like 12. I never have anything to say about it. That's because I'm not a complete asshole and I realize that sometimes people have addictions that are hard to overcome. But you have to make an effort, and he doesn't. DUde fucking drinks and snorts and smokes away his entire fucking paycheck before he even gets it. Every place that he's lived in since my mom left has been a fucking shithole that he gets kicked out of because he can't pay his fucking bills. He has court fees and fines up the ass....and I've always been understanding. I've never had anything bad to say about it.
I've had e-fucking-nough. I really have. It must be fucking nice to party every goddamn day except when you're too fuckking hungover to move.
You call you fucking daughter to get drugs for you...real fucking classy dude. No more. No fucking more. I've been played like a sucker for long enough. I don't get shit on my birthday, I don't get shit on christmas, I don't even get a 50 cent fucking card but I'm expected to go out of my way and feed your habit...and you can't even let me borrow fuck 50 bucks for a goddamn day. That's awesome.
I'm so happy to be moving. I don't even wanna be around this shit anymore.
I hope when I leave he feels like a piece of shit because as of late that's what he's been acting like. I can't even ask my father for anything, what kind of shit is that?
But he'll sit there and embarass me and talk shit to me and make me look like a complete fucking asshole, what, to take the focus off of himself?
I dunno. I don't know that I even wanna say goodbye to the motherfuckeer. I really dont. I just really don't wanna see him.
It's cool that I'm as responsible as I can be and all that shit...but my brother is gonna be 19 and has had 1 job for 3 months.....but he fucking hands this kid anything and everything that he asks for.
I just wanna cry. It hurts so bad too cuz I called my mom and was like "do me a favor, tell dad to forget it, and tell him not to call me and Remie to get him fucking drugs"...she was like "I'm not getting in the middle of it"....and then I hear this dude talking shit in the backround.
Guess what dude, you can suck.
I'm not doing shit for him anymore...oh you need a ride? fuck off.
oh you need weed? fuck off....oh you need white? fuck need money? fuck off....
You jsut wanna talk? FUCK OFF...
I'm fucking all done.
I'm so sick of getting walked on and kicked down and made to feel like I'm nothing.
The only time you even bother to call me is when your fucked up and feeling bad for yourself because you've done such a shitty fucking job as a parent.
And maybe next time you call me in a drunken self-pity fest, I'll tell you the deal...yes dad, you have failed us. Yes dad, you've turned our lives to shit...yes dad, you've taken away a lot of opprotunities for us.....and yes dad, you could have and should have done way better.
Dude grew up in a fucking home with nuns cuz his parents didn't want's nice to see that he fucking learned from his experience huh?
And everyone should know he had NOTHING to do w/ who I am today execpt for me doing the exact opposite of what I've seen from him.
Self-righteous motherfucker.
I wish you would just have fuckin taken off a long time ago....I'd probably think a lot better of you then.