Oct 13, 2009 19:19
[Private, unhackable]
Subaru-chan and Teana-chan did well today, but something still doesn't sit right. That monster on the train.. our attacks didn't even phase it. If I was able to have my limit lifted, then maybe...
Just what in the world was that thing? And the worse question, will we be ready when we see it again?
And the relic in the case, the TSAB was very intent upon securing it. I've been told that once they're done analyzing it, there will be a briefing as well. I wonder...
Good job today, everyone! I'll admit, it was a bit exciting for me as well, working along with the GDF for the first time since, well, a year ago. It felt really nostalgic, even if I didn't know a few of you beforehand. I know things didn't end how we may have liked, but it's better to live to fight another day, one which we're much better prepared. I'm just sorry I couldn't have done more to help.
Subaru-chan, Teana-chan, I'm very proud of you both! I'm sure this isn't the first time you've sortied, but nevertheless, you made me proud today. Keep up the good work!
[Through a terrible error on my part, from now on I'll be having Hayate's non-action posts sans accent. Kind of a duh moment on my part. Pardon me for my fail up until this point ._.;]