no place like home

May 11, 2009 17:33

It's been a nice first weekend back in Japan with my family.  Since I was sick, it was pretty laid back.  Aunt Sayu made me an enormous cake that as waiting for me when I got off the plane. <333 No matter how sick, I can always enjoy cake.  She and Matsuda are getting married (fiiiiinally) in June!  That's going to be awesome.  I just hope I can get myself straightened out somewhat by then.  I've nearly cut my drug use in half this weekend, which has been rough but not as bad as I feared it would be.  I crave coke ALL THE TIME, and it sucks, but there's enough catching up to do with my family and friends here that it distracts me.  It's painful, but the fact that I've been able to cut back is a good sign.  Luckily my family assumes I'm just still wiped out from the flu.

I'm going to tell Near everything, but contrary to what he told me before, he's is in China until next week.  He is starting to make me nervous.  Sometimes I wonder if he's given up on me altogether...

Pleh.  I want coke.  Coffee and cigarettes are not enough.  I will have to make some phone calls.  AND I WANT SEXXXXX.  Near, get back here already so I can jump you. XD  Otherwise I will have to find someone else, and I'm trying to use the change of scenery to put a hold on old habits. >>

I'm going to lie down some more and withdraw and dream of love.  I'm a laaaazy summer bum.

near, home, drugs, family

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