I'm lost in the world of lights.

Nov 20, 2010 22:52

 It's been a while, hasn't it?...

...ah crap, my secret supply of beer is empty
Just the moment I felt like having a good bavarian beer.
Which I had last night and enjoyed 'till the last drop.
But first things first.

In big news: I hate the sight of signs saying "you can smoke here". Yes, smoking in public is prohibited here now. I can't really understand why there can't be a smoker-only zone in a cafe or pub. NO ONE tells non-smokers to go there, right? So why the government has to interfere in something as private as bad habit? It's MY Bad Habit. It's like saying I can't have sex on my desk. Better go after people leaving chewing gums on chairs I HATE THAT MORE THAN ANYTHING.

In smaller news: it's been up and down, really. I dunno what Sleep Disorder is up to. He's the same type as me -- ain't gonna show what he got inside. Which is really giving me a hard time.
I went with my dog last night and I couldn't get her out of my mind. I know my brother is a type to make up things just to drive me from him, but still... it's just creepy.
I mean, there are days when it's great--
but there are days when I feel like crap, empty.
and there are days when he gets down and I wanna make him better.
There is no easy way from this situation and I know it is not something I wanna stop.
I just can't handle the situation and I don't know what should I do.
I wanted to make it clear last night but all I could do was just to laugh it off. Typical me. Typical him.
No steps had been taken.

But when I think about last night I can't help but smile.
Typical me.
Typical him.

real life, personal

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