סתם רציתי לשתף בתוכן של מכתב שהתפרסם באחד הפורומים של 419eater.com. זה עשה לי כאב בטן מרוב צחוק. ה"בייטר" (לא יודעת איך לתרגם את המלה הזו - "מפתה" נשמע לא טוב) מנסה להסביר לנוכל שלו שהוא לא רוצה לשלוח את פרטי הבנק שלו סתם באימייל כי האקרים עלולים לגנוב את המידע, ולכן יש להצפין את המידע.
Dear Yusuf,
I think what Mrs Linda is saying is that she got a blank form which was not filled out. This was from when you first ask me to copy the form and send to the bank, and I simply re-type it since that is what you say to do. It was a long form and it takes some time for me to re-type. There were many periods and I had to count to make sure I got them all and sometimes I lost count. Then you explain to me to fill it out and send, that is when I say I am concern to send it email as there are many computer hackers hacking into computers and I do not want them to get the informations as they may do bad things to them. That is when I suggest Secure Socket Headers (SSH) using "encryption key" and send me the key in 5 emails with telling what order to put them in, but you just tell me to send the form by mail or fax so I send it by mail, that is postal mail, because it is what you say to do! I send it last week on Monday to the address on the form but it seems not to arrived. So that is where we are now.
In your previous message you again ask me to send it by email once again but I am still concern about computer hackers hacking into computers getting my informations and doing bad things with them so I will not send it by email without Secure Socket Headers (SSH) using "encryption key" because without Secure Socket Headers (SSH) using "encryption key" computer hackers hacking into computers may get my informations and doing bad things with them. It is better if I can send by postal mail because it has no computer hackers hacking into computers who may do bad things with my informations when they get them if I send it without Secure Socket Headers (SSH) using "encryption key" which prevents computer hackers hacking into computers from getting my informations and doing bad things to my informations once the computer hackers hacking into computers hack into computers and get my informations. Because with postal mail there is no computers for computer hackers hacking into computers to hack into and get my informations and do bad things to them, thus no Secure Socket Headers (SSH) using "encryption key" is needed to prevent the computer hackers hacking into computers from hacking into computers and getting my informations and doing bad things to the informations after they hack into computers and get them. The only other way is to use Secure Socket Headers (SSH) using "encryption key" so that computer hackers hacking into computers cannot hack into computers and get my informations and do bad things to them, because Secure Socket Headers (SSH) using "encryption key" prevents computer hackers hacking into computers from hacking into computers and getting my informations, and if computer hackers hacking into computers cannot hack into computers and getting my informations they cannot do bad things to the informations because they will not have the informations to do bad things to because the computer hackers hacking into computers cannot hack into computers and thus cannot get my informations to do bad things to, because that is where the informations that they would do bad things to is stored, it is stored in the computers into which the computer hackers hacking into computers cannot hack! Because of Secure Socket Headers (SSH) using "encryption key"!
I hope this all make sense,
The original and complete bait is in here: