Aug 19, 2006 01:20
I feel in the loop yet a little disoriented, and happy I haven't died. I'm also very proud of Christy and Lindsey and my beloved, all going to college ^_^ New beginnings rock!
Monday, I about have a heart attack. Mrs. O' Neil calls me saying English IB is only available 1st period. Fine. Great. So according to her I'd either have had to quit band to be able to get the IB diploma or stay in band and only go for the "Certificate"...a sorry consolation prize. Quitting band is not an option to me, so cue mild anxiety.
Tuesday: Mrs. Garner, my English teacher, makes a suggestion that I sorta study English independently. Basically she gives me the things the class worked on 1st period, and once or twice a week I come in 1st period to participate in class discussions, and practice music during 7th. Seems confusing, but it's pretty awesome so far. Victoria (who is studying Chinese independently during 7th) and I have become Mrs. Garner aides. We staple Hamlet quotes to her wall and stuff.
Wednesday: First day of School. 1st period band is still great. I drool over the individual keyboards for each of the 16 monitors *-*
I have Mr. Dunnagan for History of Americas this year and most likely next year. He may have run outta lame jokes, but he's still the best ever.
Mrs. Schweiger in Physics is the darlingest teacher. Meaning she treats us as if we were her children. She's another good one.
My Algebra 2 class is packed. Ok class. Nothin' special, except Mrs. Wicker keeps saying "Let's take a peek at this...take a peek at that...actually, let's work his out..."
I FINALLY have a lunch that is not C. A lunch with Vincent, Susi, and Brittany! The guild unites!
Senora Richardson is quite serious about us (all 6 of us in her Spanish IV IB class...seriously...) learning to get comfortable with speaking Spanish. It's the third day and already I feel more confident in my speaking.
Art/Design IB...Oh noes! Where did Mrs. Fox go? In her place is this new lady who informs me I must teach myself art for a year since I'm the only IB student in that class. No ma'am!
Finally, English with Victoria.
Then hot, sweaty, miserable band. But we're getting serious stuff done, and Gerwhin is awesome ^_^
After band I get home and within 10 mins take a shower and get dressed to go to Goodson's Restaurant with Bryan's family. I enjoyed it absolutely; it was the first time I got to interact with them a little more. His dad is a generous laugher, I just kept wanting to make him chuckle, just to hear it :D His momma gave me a hug *^o^*
Thursday: Bryan drove me to school! :3 I appealed to change to Music Theory IB in the stead of Art/Design. Permission granted by Mrs. O'Neil. I've realize that there's a benefit in being an IB student...I get first priority in schedule changes and counselor visits...ah, sweet corruption.
Afterschool marching rehearsal is hell on earth, as expected. Lots of Sweat, Blood, and Seeing Spots. Yet I didn't sit out. Danny has no right to say that band sweat isn't glorious.
Friday: Whoo. Gone in a flash. I find out that my bus is utterly and ridiculously packed (some people had to triple a seat)...I may have to get a ride somewhere. Later I discussed the best method of getting Action IB hours with Victoria and Mai in my new Music Theory class (Mr. Boyter is absent). We considered ballet classes, golf classes, and horse-riding. What with the new feminine toe-point-on-tay marching style we have I think ballet is a possibility :P After a brief rehearsal Brittany drove me home, I perfomed various household duties, and the Bryan came over. We watched The Pink Panther
And now it's Saturday.