NKOTBSB, baby!

Jul 30, 2011 22:13

Okay.. it's time I write about this. I can tell you right now that this is going to be a long one. :)

I haven't tagged any of the pictures in this post, so if you've come here from tumblr or twitter, just please don't take my pictures and spread them around. I know they aren't ~amazing~ shots but they're special to me. I am slowly tagging them and sharing them via tumblr, and you can feel free to reblog to your heart's content when they are there. Thanks for understanding. <3

Back when I ordered the tickets for this show, I was just a casual Backstreet Boys fan. I just thought it would be a fun show to go to. I started watching BSB videos on YouTube, just because, and I started to get to know the guys as people and I realized that I liked them a lot more than I realized. I've always had a thing for AJ but I especially started to notice Brian and Nick - they're total goofs and I love that. So I started to get more excited about seeing them.

I knew nothing about New Kids on the Block. And I mean nothing. The only thing that ever came into my mind when I heard their name was the LFO lyric, "New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits, Chinese food makes me sick." And I mean literally, that's the only knowledge/reference of them that I had ever had. I guess I probably have to have heard *NSYNC compared to them back in the day, but I don't remember it.

So I had this "ughh, I have to learn New Kids on the Block songs before the concert" attitude about the show. I hate it when I don't know an artist's music when I hear it live, because when it isn't familiar it usually sounds like gibberish to me, and that's no fun. So, rather reluctantly, I looked them up to learn the songs I knew were on the setlist.

You guys know what happened next. I fell in love with NKOTB. It was like BAM, one day I didn't even know who they were, and the next day I couldn't stop listening to them and watching their videos. Joey caught my eye first, and then Jordan, and then... Donnie. And once I discovered how amazing Donnie was, there was no turning back for me.

Fair warning: this next paragraph is cheesy. But I have to say it. I haven't been caught up in anything this fandom-y since... I don't know, Switchfoot maybe? And that was six years ago. In all honesty, I'm a fangirl at heart, and I hadn't had anything to really love in a while. I seem to only have the ability to fangirl one thing at a time, so whatever it is has to be something that I really love. Those things are few and far between, it seems. I was bored with everything and there was a very noticable void, but there wasn't anything out there that I liked enough to fill it. NKOTB was the missing piece. Not to mention, this past year hasn't been very good to me and I was having an especially rough couple of months due to a few different things. NKOTB really helped me to take my mind off of it and gave me something to be happy about and look forward to. That meant a lot to me.

So... fast forward to a month and a half later, and I'm going to see my newest favorite group in concert! All pictures are clickable; click twice to see the biggest version!

We left my house around 2:30. We stopped to get a bite to eat, filled the car up with gas, and all of that good stuff before we finally made our way to O'Fallon where we caught the metrolink to the Scottrade Center. Here we are waiting on the train. It was so freakin' hot outside, too!

And by the way, this is the back of the shirt I had made and wore that day. I kind of love it. This isn't the best picture of it, but you get the idea. Representing my Donnie love. ;)

When we got to the venue we only had to wait maybe fifteen or twenty minutes until they let us go inside. There was a guy selling beer on the street who had a sign that said "NKOTBBS" ... haha, really? Fail. I also saw a girl and a guy passing out Howie's "100 Kisses" chapstick for free... I didn't get any but I kind of wish I had, now. xP

We waited in the merch line for a little while because I wanted to buy a few things, but the line was seriously not even moving, so I said forget it. I was kind of bummed about that, because I wasn't sure if they'd be selling after or not. But by that time it was 7:00 and the opener was supposed to start at 7:30, so we just didn't have time if we wanted to find our seats and see everything. I bought some water and by the time I got out of the line for that, it was almost 7:15. Everything was moving so quickly! Usually at things like this it feels like time takes forever. But not that night.

When we actually stepped into the arena, my stomach dropped. Our seats were in section 117, but I didn't realize until I was looking at the seats that there were two sections of 117 - a lower one closer to the floor... and one that went up, up, and up. I pretty much started praying that we weren't in the higher level. We showed our tickets to an usher and he kind of gave a look around like "your seats aren't even close to here" ... but then he unsnapped the chain that was blocking off the lower level and lead us to our seats, and ohmygosh. I was so happy! I had no idea our seats would be that close! When I saw *NSYNC there in 1999 I was literally one row from the very top and I couldn't even see them without binoculars, so this was like... as;lfj;alskdjfl;! We were almost dead-center of the catwalk too (this is what the stage was set up like, if you don't know. Lovingly dubbed the "penis stage" by the guys themselves).

Shortly after that the lights went out and this boy band that I definitely did not know was dancing and singing. Turns out they're caled Midnight Red, and I had no idea that they were even opening the show at all. I think they only sang like two songs. By the time I decided I might want to take a picture of them, they were done and off the stage before I could even turn my camera on. Okay then.

Matt Morrison came out a few minutes later. I was sort of curious to see him, and he really is quite good. He even covered Kanye West's "Gold Digger" which was actually pretty funny... though I don't recommend he put out a rap album any time soon. xP That man can dance, though.

The real waiting started when he left the stage, because I knew NKOTBSB was next. I was nervous and I was probably shaking a little. Hopefully no one noticed that.. So FINALLY, after a little more waiting, the lights went out... they flashed the guys' faces and names on the big screens for what felt like forever and then BOOM, the curtain fell down, and there was NKOTBSB!

They started with the "Single/The One/Viva La Vida" mash up and it was a mellow way to start the show... but it worked. Then each group went to either side of the stage and the platforms started to raise, and it went from mellow to epic pretty fast. Here's a short video I took of that moment:

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New Kids did "Summertime" next and I think I smiled through the whole thing (it was the Red One Remix version and I only just recently realized that!) Then Backstreet did "The Call" which, ahh, that always used to be my favorite BSB song so that was really fun.

It didn't really hit me that I was there until New Kids started "Dirty Dancing" though. As soon as Donnie did his "and the leanest, meanest, maddest, baddest body" part and I was doing choreography to the chorus with them (hi, I'm a dork), the excitement hit me and stayed the rest of the night.

I have no idea what Nick was trying to do here.. haha. This was BSB during "Larger Than Life" I think -- definitely the clearest and best pics I got all night!:

New Kids during "Didn't I Blow Your Mind," "Valentine Girl," "If you Go Away," and "Please Don't Go Girl." Joey and Jordan KILLED it! It was good to hear Danny speak/sing during his parts, too.

More Backstreet. At one point, Brian stopped everything to bring everyone's attention to AJ -- who had forgotten to zip up his fly. Brian zipped it for him. XD "I'm so embarrassed now."

Backstreet Boys came out into the crowd to pick girls to go on stage with them during "I'll Never Break Your Heart." No one came near me of course. *sigh* I took a video of the whole song, though! Nick was such a tease to his girl.

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When New Kids came back out, I nearly died. When they sang "Step by Step" Donnie came over to my side of the stage and I freaked out of course, and hit record on my camera. SO glad I did so, because I got footage of him dancing and shakin' his.. well... you can just watch it. ;D

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I was torn about what to do when he started singing "Cover Girl" -- I wanted to record it but I also wanted to watch it with my own two eyes without the camera being in the way, since it's my favorite song (and because he strips during it, coughcough). But before the show Lindsey told me she would record it for me, so she did do that. I actually haven't seen it yet... hopefully one of these days she can get around to sending it to me...

The only video I've found of it so far is this crappy quality/sideways one. Meh.

..No wait, I take that back, here's one that goes a little bit further than my video did, but it cuts off before any shirts go flying anywhere. "Let's get married and live in St. Louis." Hokay! xD

I got a quick video of Donnie talking about how hot in was in the city that night. It's worth a watch just because he doesn't have a shirt on under his jacket. Haha. And after this they sang part of Nelly's "Hot in Herre"! Ahahaha.

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I got a few nice pictures of Donnie after that. ;) Oh, I loooved hearing "Games" live! I had only learned the rap to it like two days before the show. Donnie's rapping = awesome.

I knew they were going to come out into the crowd during "Tonight" and I kind of already knew which sections each guy went into, so I figured Danny would come into ours. And I was right. It kind of bummed me out just a teeeeny bit that it wasn't Donnie or Jordan, but I love Danny so it was awesome anyway. He ended up about ten rows in front of me.

I knew BSB was going to make their 'surprise' entrance when they came back out for "Shape of My Heart" so when New Kids left the stage again I started looking around in the audiene for BSB... it was funny because all of these security guards just sort of started popping up everywhere I looked. But when they finally did come out, of course they were farther back into the crowd so they didn't come by me. It was really adorable to see them interacting with the fans though. All of these guys are so sweet, it's so nice of them to actually come out into the crowds like they do, especially for those fans whose seats aren't so close.

And oh, they sang "Raspberry Beret"! That caught me by surprise.

Here's a quick clip of the dancing during "Quit Playing Games":

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I really loved their black and yellow outfits. And matching shoelaces! (I just typed "shoelances." Oh jeez.)

These white outfits that NKOTB wore next... oh my goodness.

They took a break then and the guys introduced each other. I had no idea this video was going to be this long when I started recording but I couldn't just stop while they were talking, so I got all of the introductions. :)

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They did "Don't Turn Out The Lights" together after that. It was amazing, but I knew it meant they were nearing the end. They left the stage and it was still dark and quiet, until you heard Donnie's voice throughout the arena, whispering "Somebody say N-K-O-T-B-S-B. Somebody say N-K-O-T-B-S-B." Over and over until his voice was gone, and it was just the crowd saying it. Goosebumps, I tell ya!

The encore was spec-freaking-TACULAR. BSB did "Everybody" which was amazing. AJ was wearing a New Kids shirt and had written his name on it, too. xP And he was wearing an STL cap! <3

And then New Kids did "Hangin' Tough" and I swear, I've never heard a better live song than that. I wanted to cry it was so good. In fact, I may have. I'd give anything in the world just to be able to relive THAT song again. It was amazing, and I must say that Donnie enjoyed letting his badass side out during it.. he'll be the death of me some day. So great, I can't even explain.

And when they started the "Hangin' Tough/Everybody/We Will Rock You" mash up with BSB? Forget about it. I had no voice left at that point.

I wish wish wish I could find a video of the encore from that night on Youtube, but so far, no luck.

Edit: I found a video of Hangin' Tough at least. Yay!

They couldn't have ended it in a better way. I pretty much felt like I was floating when the lights came on and we made our way outside. Just... gah! Such a good show. I was and still am a little starstruck.

I was surprised and very happy to see that they were still selling merch after the concert, so I bought, oh, about $70 worth. Haha. Really, I did spend that much but I only got three things: a t-shirt, a bracelet, and Jordan's solo cd "Unfinished" -- which has been signed and kissed by him! You can see the lip prints. :)

We walked around a little bit after that before we headed back to the metro, trying to see if we could find the buses... but no luck. I'll just have to get my face time with the fellas another time.

I still can't believe it's all over already! I've been going through some serious concert withdrawals ever since that night. I just want to hug them all and thank them and gah, I love them. New Kids and Backstreet both.

NKOTBSB is touring in the UK next, and now there is a rumor going around that they're going to be touring back in the US next summer! If this is true, I am SO there, even if they don't come back to St. Louis. I will travel. Definitely. :)

jordan knight, aj mclean, midnight red, concerts, howie dorough, donnie wahlberg, new kids on the block, nkotbsb, joey mcintyre, matt morrison, brian littrell, jon knight, danny wood, nick carter, backstreet boys

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