Cayetano vs. Arroyo..

Jan 25, 2007 23:04

IT IS A KNOWN FACT that politics here in the Philippines is a freak show of sorts. But I never knew it could be this entertaining. Watching the news the other day, the issue about congressman Allan Peter Cayetano's accusation that First 'Gentleman' Arroyo has ill gotten wealth stored in an off shore account specifically in Berlin, Germany came about. The much heated debate turned comedy show started when some member of the ethics committee made a rebuttal that Ateneo wasn't even proud of Arroyo. then it really got funny when Cayetano and Arroyo came to something like this -- (not verbatim)

Cayetano: I hope you're not taking this personally mister Arroyo. I'm doing this for the sake of what is right and for my belief in good governance. It just so happens that it is you who is in that position. It can be anyone.

-this is the kicker-

Arroyo: I will accept your apology mister Cayetano when we go to Germany and see for yourself that there is no account whatsoever. and--

Cayetano: I am not apologizing mister Chairman I am simply stating that I hope your not taking this persona-

Arroyo: THERE IS NO ACCOUNT in Germany!

Cayetano: Then why don't you sign the waiver Mr.Arroyo??


It doesn't take an educated person to know that Arroyo is Guilty. seriously, if he doesnt have an off shore account, THEN WHY CAN'T HE SIGN THE WAIVER? He says he doesnt have an account in Berlin because it will have been moved to another account by then. it wont be that difficult for a man like him. That bank has numerous branches scattered all over Germany. All you have to do is move the money and have the account terminated. it's that simple.

let me end this entry with some lines from the meeting.

ethics committee guy: Mr.Arroyo do you have any off shore accounts?

Arroyo: that is none of your business! that is Absurd!

I rest my case.
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