Big update preview

Oct 30, 2019 12:10

Big update preview

As was discussed in Vilnius, there will be a planned update to the database facilities. The update will come in two major parts.

1. New data model will be introduced and the existing entries will converted to the new format. Updated search and display functions will be introduced as well.
The new model will adopt several ideas from the WFCC's problem-xml project (including formal schema). Notable improvements would be better dates handling and reprints support. You may find the detailed changes to the the enry format below.
This part of the update will require to switch the database into the read-only mode for a few days, the notice will be posted in advance.

2. Internally the first part of the update will (re-)introduce the local databases of entities: persons (author & judges), sources (sources and reprints) and tourneys. In this part:
- The editing will be limited so entry could only reference the existing entities (the author names thus will will be untied from the
- The ability to create/amend entities will be granted to contributors on demand.
- The modification of the entities will automatically trigger the update of the linked problems.

Data format changes.

The draft of the formal JSON schema specification can be found here. Human readable documentation will follow, notable changes:

source, source-id and date become source.

source: StrateGems
date: 2012
source-id : 58/H1705


name: StrateGems
year: 2012
issue: 58
problemid: H1705

The entry may have one or zero sources and an any number of reprints, that follow the same format:

name: FIDE Album
year: 2010-2012 # note year spans are now also allowed!
problemid: E4
name: International Solving Contest
year: 2019
month: 1
day: 27
issue: 15
volume: Category 3

distinction becomes award, the key difference is that source (of publication) and tourney are now completely separate entities:

name: StrateGems
date: 2012
distinction: 2nd HM
- Стоjоски, Петре

foreignids are also adopted from the problem-xml project and are pretty straightforward:

domain: PDB
problemid: 123456
domain: WinChloe
problemid: 654321
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