*hangs head* I has been a bad kitty today, but at least I was bad in a good way.
It didn't take long for me to realize that this summer I'm really--Really--lacking in shirts that I can wear. Off the top of my head I can think of 4 T-shirts--one has the TARDIS on it!--I wore a lot of tank tops last year but I'm not comfortable outside of the house in them now, plus they're a little big on me now.
Biggest problem I run into when shopping for clothes is a lack of modest options, doesn't help that with my bust, that what might be a decent neckline on a smaller girl, just doesn't have enough material to cover mine. I have on occasion tried to find sites that sell specifically modest clothing. However for the most part, Modest = Ugly, those two seem pretty interchangeable.
But then I found this site,
The Mod Bod, where I was able to find a very nice selection of tops, that had a higher neckline and were also nice and long in the body, like this:
*cough*I ordered 5*cough*...great thing is in the winter I can layer them over my long sleeve tops.
One other thing, I received another hand-me-up from my sister on thursday. She had a pair of capris back from her time in university, far too big on her, but a perfect fit for me. I'd tried a couple of times to buy myself a pair since I'm not comfortable in shorts, but quickly gave up when the first few attempts didn't yield anything that I thought I looked remotely good in.
Love these though, they're so comfy.