Happy Feet!

Dec 26, 2009 23:36

Shiny day!

I stepped out of my hermity shell and got to see Kate today, she got me a stitching frame! I've been in the market for one as my patterns are all bigger than my hoops. I'd bought one kind, a winding scroll that didn't require basting but although the design seemed sound, the execution was full of fail! It wouldn't hold the fabric and you couldn't easily tighten the screws as they'd just spin in the soft wood.

Kate got me a Q-Snap which I'd seen online but not in a store, it's perfect! I've got Whiskers on it, needless to say I'm thrilled. Nice to get a product from someone who's used it before and can vouch for its effectiveness. Thanks Lady!

We also went out to see Sherlock Holmes It was exactly what I was hoping it would be! I was really thrilled by the fact that Holmes wasn't just meeting Irene Addler for the first time in this move, it removed a lot of the injured pride/embarrassment that would come from Holmes being out smarted by a woman.

Instead all you get in a deeper banter, grudging respect and some good clean fun ^_~ I loved the way they told the story, pausing has Holmes plans the best way to approach a situation, seeing it in high speed before it actually happens in real time.

Holmes and Waston's relationship was positively brilliant! They both could say so much with just a look and Holmes was simply pathetic in his attempts to keep Watson wit him ^_~ it was truly adorable!

Loved the end where you get to see how everything was done, and that despite their fantastic appearance it was all easily explained and quiet clear that Holmes was aware of it all along. I would definitely enjoy seeing it again!

We also got to gush about White Collar, I figured it was about time I got myself some icons since the show is among my very most favorites! I adore the banter between Neal and Peter it always surprises me and I'm very much looking forward to the next episode though I hate the wait.

All in all a good happy day! now I must head to bed before the Miflin revolts [he's so demanding] I don't really mind though, my head doesn't like me so sleep is sounding really good.

white collar, whiskers, good times, happy feet, sherlock holmes, presents, shiny, movies, friends, cross-stitching

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