have a meme

Jul 24, 2009 13:09

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

Photography - I've never made any claims to being a 'photographer' I got thrust into the position at Animaritime simply be virtue of having my camera on me at all times snapping pictures. I much prefer to be the one behind the camera rather than in the picture. When I'm not taking pictures at the convention or other functions I'm constantly trying to capture the 'way' I see things, trying to show others how I see the world. It's more complicated than you might think. A camera can't capture it all so I just keep trying.

Pets -

Do I really need to say more than this? I've always had pets, for as long as I can remember. Dogs, Cats, Mice, Rats, Hamsters, Snake, Hedgehog, our house has never been without a pet.

Cake - Delicious, but I associate it with work now. I'm insistent on having my cake and eating it too! I refuse to believe I can't have it both ways!

Writing - The only thing I really want to be doing. I've constantly got the ideas bouncing around in my head. And with the current state of my life writing is about the only thing I can do to keep myself occupied. I definitely find that I get more depressed if I'm feeling particularly blocked [actually going through a moment of that now] I even just find the act of typing relaxing.

Fruit - ? ummm...I have no feelings towards the word...not a fan of eating fruit, I do like Fruits Basket, and ramenparty's cat Fruit...but other than that I've got nothing...ladyprdian I seriously make you think of Fruit? how's that work?

animaritime, kitties, writing, writers block, pictures, cakes, depression, meme

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