Today isn't nearly as bright as I would have wanted it to be...which is kind of funny when I think about it 'cause I usually hate sunny days [they hurt my eyes, and burn my skin] But the more light the better for taking macro pictures. Still I've managed to get several more pictures for you guess at. I'm thinking 5 at a time is a good number.
I give you 5 new pictures, and one hold over from yesterday.
- Stuffed animal [Giant Microbe, Toxic Mold]
- Ball point pen
- Ring
here's the original picture shuffles guessed it right!
Nail File
Nail clipper [my brother guessed it right!]
I retook this picture with day light in the hope that it might help people guess what it is
I'd almost say there's a infinite supply of things I can take pictures of like this. Should keep me busy for a little while. I like looking at things to see if there's a unique picture to be made, and macros certainly help with that.