I'm fighting with frustration right now, I haven't been able to write much of anything for a little while now. That alone always makes me more depressed. I feel blocked, much like I do when I start taking Celexa, but I haven't been on that stuff for a long time now.
I've been working on my cross-stitching in the interm and discovered today that I might have been doing it wrong from the beginning. I never realized that each stitch shares two holes with the stitch that came before it. Still not sure that's even the case, but that's what it's looking like. *sigh* Can't seem to do anything right of late.
At the suggestion of my uncle I decided to look into upgrading the RAM on Lappy here, its sluggish speed is really the only complaint I have with it right now. Poor Toboe has been running all these years with nothing more than 256 MB. I looked into it and he can handle two sticks of 512 MB. I even found the exact kind that I need, and thought it would be easy sailing from there...[nothing ever is]
It turned out that my sister's old laptop took the same RAM, and had two sticks of 512, win win? No. What I didn't see on the list of RAM was mine takes DDR PC2700 Series M, and my sister's takes Series S. So close but not quite. And of course Series M has to be next to impossible to find. So on Tuesday I'll take Toboe to a local guy and see what he can do for me, hopes aren't high right now.
One of the only bright pieces of information from today is the announcement of the 11th Doctor
Matt Smith. I'm quite interested in this pick, I like the fact that he's only two years older than me. and the more the communities bitch, complain and rend their garments in absolute horror the more I like him. They're all a bunch of bloody drama queens!