icon meme again!

Mar 24, 2008 08:46

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.

w00t I get to do this again! These are from i_paint_the_sky

So this was a icon made by Sma, I really like using it when people 'Loose the Game' on me [like you're all going to do now ^_^] because it's an excellent comeback! JUDGE!! besides it has Jensen Ackles do I need a better reason?

Gundam Wing was I believe the first anime I ever really got into, I haven't seen it in forever but I do own the series so I can always watch it again. So when I started my LJ I thought I really should have at least one Gundam icon, Heero was always my favorite hence the naming of my kitty Heero. I believe I snagged this off neekabe fits my mood often times.

Yay for Firefly a lot of my icons have people looking injured in them, most of the time I feel like this fits me best for a lot of my posts. I'd like to know what the writing down the side says, but I can't read it ^_~

Who could say no to this icon? the minute I saw it I had to take it! [don't really feel like there's much I can say about this one] I want a badge of badassery...that is all.

there's a good story behind this one, I asked Jade if I could write a Supernatural fic for her, and if she could have one thing in it what would she want. Her response was almost immediate, she wanted Dean with wings, and that's how Lift me Up was born. I was wandering through peoples icons when I stumbled on this one, and couldn't resit taking it for the fic.

icons, meme, gundam wing, supernatural, firefly

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