For whatever reason, I can no longer send messages over MSN, it all started yesterday, I'd try sending something and it would tell me it couldn't be sent. But I was connected to the internet so that wasn't the problem. If I tried again, it would send. Then it got even worse, and I'd have to insult MSN before before the message I wanted would send. Now it just plain doesn't work at all...*sigh* I have no idea why, or what to do to fix the problem. So right now all this means is I won't be in contact via this messenger. I do have ICQ and there's also Gmail, which is pretty handy for chatting.
I've also caught word this morning that we have another storm on the way ^_^ should be hitting this weekend! I can't wait! I just want to cuddle up under blankets and watch the snow fall.
starrbeam I'm going to try and get some nice pictures of the snow falling for you!
Also an update on Tales of the World I've taken on a quest for Genuis to kill some sort of enemy that's been causing problems at the foot of the Life Tree. Problem is every time I try to kill it my party wipes. So I've been working on leveling up my characters in another dungeon. I rather enjoy leveling up in this game since the battles aren't enemies on one side players on the other. I'm trying to master all the abilities that Krevin has learned being a thief, and hopefully by the time I'm done that I'll be able to take out this enemy with no problem *fingers crossed*
And I think it's about time I make a list of movies that I'd like to get so I don't forget ^_~
- Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer
- Next
- Shrek The Third
- Bourne Ultimatum
- Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
what else I'm sure there's more....oh well that'll do for now ^_~