I guess I should update.

Apr 25, 2007 14:31

1) A friend and I are bringing a chapter of STAND (Students Taking Action Now: Darfur/anti genocide coalition) to SU and it's taking a lot more work than I initially expected. But being the treasurer for it is very rewarding and I'm excited to see the program take off next year.
2) Friday night, I was initiated into APO. It's basically a co-ed national service fraternity. I've met a ton of awesome people since I started pledging and I am also looking forward to hazing the shit outta my littles next year.
3) Another friend and I are seriously considering bringing a new sorority to campus next year. Our meeting with the head of Greek Life is Friday. w00t.
4) Tonight is the dress rehearsal for the senior fashion show. Tomorrow and Friday are the actual shows. So here's to hoping I don't fall flat on my face on the runway.
5) Finals are kicking my ass. On top of two exams, I have a final 5 page paper, and 3 10-page research papers. Kill me now?
6) I'm really excited for next year because our room is going to kick ass. It's a Lawrinson corner double. Granted, Lawrinson is co-ed alternating by floors... but when it came time for Steph and I to pick rooms it was either: live on the mount again (where i live now... which sucks), have a smaller double than what we have now or take a huuuuuuge corner double in Lawrinson. All-in-all, I'm pretty stoked.
7) Work is going pretty well. I really feel that my students are improving which is good. Last night all the tutors met with the parents. Most of the parents just don't seem to care about how their kids are doing in school, which really upsets me. Also makes me question if I'd be a good parent... hmm.

That's basically it. Time to crawl back into my shell
Hermit Snooj.
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