
May 10, 2011 18:31

AWESOME word of the day over at Wiktionary:

petrichor n. 1. The distinctive scent which accompanies the first rain after a long warm dry spell.


vocab powa

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awickedmemory March 15 2012, 17:07:08 UTC
Haha, here's another old reply. XD

LMAO. I see, I see. xD Well, it makes sense, yeah! I used to talk on the phone under my covers to not be heard, since I had a thick blanket, and suffocate because it'd get so hot. XDDD

Our 15 year old selves probably would have just whined that we came to visit ourselves from the future just to be mean, LOL. I've calmed down from the emotional storm I was back then so I guess that's growing up a bit... I'm better at faking shit now, and smiling when I don't mean it. XD But my coping strategies are not improved at all, I think.

=\ I'm not sure anyone really stops regretting things they did or didn't do just before the passing of a loved one... but accepting and living with it is key. I'm sure he didn't hold anything against you, and wants you to be happy. And I know that's what everyone says, and comments like that used to annoy the piss out of me... but it's true. I don't want Jen to cry if I die, I don't want mom to be guilt-stricken. We do the best we can for the mindset we are in at the time. There's no way to ingrain an addtional ten years of experience and growth and wisdom into past selves, after all. XD


Yes, of course! :D

Haha, one of my friends has actually been looking into that story. The more she'd mention, the more horrified I was, so I think I will be avoiding it. ~_~ Also, your version of ojisan-lovin' Heero is scary, man. XD

Yaaaaaaay~ :3 I worried it was another thing I'd flaked on. XD


yaburetayume April 6 2012, 21:01:38 UTC
Yeah, even a bitchslap would not have gotten through to me at 15. Teenagers are so thick-skulled! It's a little depressing for me to realize that, except for a high school diploma and some emotional maturity, I'm in the exact same place as I was when I was 15: aimless, unemployed, living with my mother.

*hugs back* Thank you for the comfort. I know my dad wouldn't want me to waste my life mourning him (though that's partly what I've been doing, ugh). Even before he died, I was at his bedside crying one time and he softly told me not to. Throughout the rest of my life, every once in a while, those regrets will bubble back up, but I don't dwell on them now and I won't dwell in the future, either. I was truly blessed in who my parents were/are. I didn't appreciate it at the time (because I was young and dumb, as has been previously established), but later it was such solace to rediscover the card that came with the flowers my dad sent me on my last birthday he was alive for: "To my daughter and my friend." Not everyone can say their father thought of them that way.

Sorry for that long paragraph; this Wednesday was the 10-year anniversary, so this is all really close to the surface.

Yes, that Frozen Crystal Memories or whatever the heck it's called must be avoided at all costs. Oyaji-lovin' Heero is scary indeed, but I also crack up at the idea. It would be even better if Duo was completely freaked out by Heero's amorous aggression, like, "DUDE! I'm old and I like boobies! Get off me! Noooooooooo!" *rofl*

Yep, flakiness avoided (on your part; now I need to work on my own. orz)!


awickedmemory April 6 2012, 21:42:30 UTC
The aimless I can't help with, since I have no goals or dreams or ambitions, either. XD The unemployed part can be rectified, though! And after a few years of having that part fixed (not to imply it's simple, of course - it's hard to get a job, it's hard to stick with it, it's hard to build your own life and be accountable for yourself), the living with the mother can be changed as well. Unless you like living together, in which case there's no need to change it. :3 Many people live with their parents until they marry, if they can stand each other! It's cost-efficient, after all. Does your mom work? Maybe she knows of some job openings somewhere?

We're all dumb when we're young, and we're never grateful enough until we're lacking. XD But... wow. Yeah, I can see that kind of card really having an impact... it's very sweet! And such a stark contrast to the notices mom used to have framed in each room that was an anonymous Parent to anonymous Child reminding them that they are at different levels and are not and never will be "friends" and the child's duty is to obey the parent under God's grace no matter what...

Ten years already! Right, you're 25, huh... eek. =\ *hugs* How did you guys hold up on Wednesday...?

Frozen Teardrops, I think. XD And I think I taste bile more than laughter at a 16-ish y.o. Heero relentlessly trying to get into Oyaji-anyone's trousers! *lol*

*patpat* :3


yaburetayume April 20 2012, 09:24:15 UTC
I've applied a couple of places, but heard nothing, so I think it's safe to say I did not get those jobs. It's discouraging. I feel like the biggest mark against me is my lack of experience, but that leaves me in a catch-22: I don't get hired because I'm inexperienced, but if I don't have a job, I won't get any experience! So it's quite frustrating as well. The USAF is still my goal, and I think I'm finally resolved to actively work toward it. I'm going to work out until I drop and try to eat better.

As for living with my mother, I do like it. She's my mother, my roommate, and, at this point, my best friend. The thing is, she needs to be only my mother again. We're perhaps too close, and probably codependent on some level. And no, she doesn't work, either, and our financial situation is tenuous at best. She was going to be a teacher, but that train went off the track and it deeply dejected her.

I didn't appreciate the card at the time, but it's so moving and comforting now. It's a relief, really, to know he saw me that way even though I was too blind to recognize it. As for the anniversary, we day-tripped to the coast and had a really nice time. Had a spot of car trouble, but overall, things were good.

Oh well, so our senses of humor aren't perfectly in sync. I think I'll still hang on to you. (^3^)

Oh, God, I just had a vision of Relena still being obsessed with Heero and dressing up like an old man in an effort to get him to like her! *lol*


awickedmemory April 23 2012, 21:35:23 UTC
"I don't get hired because I'm inexperienced, but if I don't have a job, I won't get any experience!" - Yep, that's the exact quandary many young adults face when they're trying to get into the work force. =\ Once you're over the 18-22 "college-aged" range it tends to be harder to get started unless you've got connections... >.O Work is hard. XD Whoo for USAF! My friend is there right now, working at the research lab in Ohio. *nod* Another recently re-joined the Marines for another run~

"We're perhaps too close, and probably codependent on some level." - That's not unusual after a family trauma, although I can imagine it's painfully difficult to break out of... it's always hard to leave what's familiar. XD That's part of why I took off to Japan for a term - because I was afraid I'd never get around to leaving what I know. It wasn't long, but it was enough to get me out the door and realising, "Hey, I can survive!"

"She was going to be a teacher, but that train went off the track and it deeply dejected her." - Is she planning to get back into the workforce anytime soon...? It's not too late, even if she has to go a different route than planned...

Oh, it's always nice to visit the coast! I've always found the coast a sobering place... simultaneously soothingly natural and powerfully wild. Granted, our coast is the Pacific Ocean, so it's always bloody freezing, but. XD I like it that way. ^^

:3 Forever and ever~ ♥

... ;_; Whyyy must you insist on scaring me so? D: *trauma*


yaburetayume May 31 2012, 08:03:07 UTC
God, my birthday's on Saturday and I'm starting to get worried, like, "Shouldn't my life have started by 26?" It's kinda depressing. I have to get my shit together in June because my brother and his family are visiting at the end of the month and I want to have something to show them, you know?

My mom and I have almost always been attached at the hip, even before my dad died. I was the last baby, and after my brother left home, I was practically an only child. My mom only worked for the school district, so her schedule matched mine exactly, and when my dad went on business trips, it would just be the two of us. Since we lost my dad, it's only natural that our worlds kinda revolve around each other. My mom accidentally (and embarrassingly) introduced me as her wife to some people, but it's actually true in a weird way.

"I was afraid I'd never get around to leaving what I know." That's my feeling exactly. I've got that feeling like, if I don't do it now, I probably never will, and that would be tragic.

My mom has a lot working against her. She'll be 60 this year, she has psoriatic arthritis, she's an overweight smoker, and she's addicted to some medications. God, what a picture that paints. The arthritis is managed and the addiction isn't such that it interferes with her ability to be a normal human being. But I think she may have given up on trying to work again. She's got other things on her mind now. I told her to try writing a book, so maybe she'll do that.

It was really nice and relaxing. We had a lot of fun, a few laughs, and we got some sun. We also built a sand tank. XDDD

I didn't mean to traumatize you! (。・人・`。))ゴメンネ


awickedmemory June 2 2012, 21:38:22 UTC
"An Furniture" - 4th project down



If it's any consolation, I think it's harder now to get into life by 26 than it used to be... The world is so busy and fast-paced and there are so many choices and people do anything from never working to working ten jobs to having a solid career... is there anything you do want to do? Go back to school, go to another country? Social work, business, humanitarian efforts? You could always join the Peace Corp. :D Although I do think they have some academic or work-experience qualifiications, but I'm not sure... If I didn't have stability I was too afraid of losing, I'd do it. I want to. But familiarity is so hard to leave behind...
    The Peace Corps provides Volunteers with a living allowance that enables one to live in a manner similar to the local people in his or her community, covering housing, food, and incidentals. It provides complete dental and medical care during service, including shots, vaccinations, and medicines. It also covers the cost of transportation to and from the country of service. Additionally, $7,425 (pre-tax) is paid at the close of 27 months of service to assist Volunteers with the transition back home. Unlike other international volunteer programs, there is not a fee to participate in the Peace Corps.

"My mom accidentally (and embarrassingly) introduced me as her wife to some people" - How on earth did that happen?! XD How did the term wife even slip from her lips if not in habit? "This is my wi-- errr, daughter..."

"I've got that feeling like, if I don't do it now, I probably never will, and that would be tragic." - Is there anything you can start doing in your area just to get your foot in the door? I have no idea what sort of setting you live in... XD

Oh, does your mom write? That might be interesting! But yes, I can see how those factors might be against her. There are still some things she could look into, though... especially if she has experience in school settings like that. Care centers, or educational assistance services, etc. Of course I have no idea how severe her conditions are, but you say the arthritis is managed and the addiction isn't to the point of dysfunction, so...

A... sand tank? XD As in, a tank (VROOM!) made of sand? Okay, that's badass. Did you take photos? XD

I'll survive! ^_^

Oh my god, this thread is so skinny on LJ. XD


yaburetayume July 23 2012, 23:13:46 UTC
...Why the furniture link?

Gamsahabnida! (←Is that even close to correct? (O.o;))

I'm still aiming for the Air Force, but losing weight is tough, and I need to be below a certain weight before I can go back to the recruiter and really get the ball rolling. It's frustrating. As for jobs I can do in the meantime, well, there are want ads, I just haven't been answering them because I suck.

Haha, yes, it's an interesting story (not really) how I got introduced as my mother's wife. She was dating this guy and they were pretty much intending to get married (though this is no longer the case because he turned out to be kinda toxic), and we both attended his mother's funeral, and my mom was wondering how she should introduce herself, like as his wife-to-be or what, so with that term on her mind, she introduced me as her wife. (>.o) Then she kinda exacerbated the weirdness when, after her fumble had been cleared up, she said something to the effect of "She really kind of is, though!" I her so, so much. (^o^;;;)

Well, my mom was an English major and she is a voracious reader. Those two qualities do not a great writer make, but everyone's got to start somewhere. I am actually going to be her coauthor, and the story's in preliminary stages right now; we're fleshing out characters, but it's slow going. She actually is going to have a regular income because she will be babysitting for a family friend starting in August.

Yes, a sand tank! It was AMAZING. See for yourself~♫


awickedmemory July 27 2012, 15:46:17 UTC
... 'DOH. xD Sorry! I type up comments in Notepad in case the browser crashes, and must have had the furniture link at the top and accidentally copied the whole thing to paste it in. xD

Spelling-wise, that's perfect! ^^ Pronunciation-wise, though, and the way it's generally romanized, is GamsahaMnida~

How much do you have to lose to get in? o_o; You far from suck but you DO need to LOOK AT THOSE WANT ADS. XD

Ohhhhhhh, okay, that makes more sense. xD Haha, I was like, "Does she just go around thinking of you as her wife in her head and it slipped out?" XD I'm glad she realized the guy was toxic before marrying him, though... How did the other funeral attendants she was addressing react? XD

"Those two qualities do not a great writer make, but everyone's got to start somewhere." - The English major part at least says she's probably got the mechanics of writing down pretty decently, so that's a great start! :3 Characters... I love making characters... RPs... ;_; ♥

That... that sand tank... that... it's brilliance. ♥


yaburetayume September 1 2012, 21:18:40 UTC
Ohhhhhh, okay! (^o^)

Well, I got it from Google Translate, which is the fastest thing for me. And I doubt I'll remember it if I ever need to wish someone else a happy birthday on Korean, but that seems unlikely to happen.

At this point, I think I need to lose about 20 or 25 pounds. As for the want ads, I have answered a couple, as I think I told you a while back, but was obviously not chosen for the jobs, and I have difficulty recovering after setbacks. I don't know why. I know it's no excuse, and it's something I need to work on, but self-indulgence is so much easier.... *is shot*

Ahahahaha, no, no, she doesn't go around thinking of me as her wife (I hope!). But yeah, I'm incredibly relieved that she got away from him. As I told her, she got off the Titanic. The other people who were present when she sad that had a split second of shocked silence, and then I'm pretty sure they laughed.

Yeah, she is a hardcore English major. I remember literary analysis being quite difficult for me, but whenever she does it, it seems effortless. She's GOOD at this stuff. I think she wants my help because she kinda knows what she wants to happen, but she needs me to string it together. Or something. I'll have to ask her. I told her to write what she knows, and she got started with the characters, though I'm helping her tweak. The main girl and boy (she decided to go YA) are, essentially, my mom and my dad. We haven't done anything with them for a while, but I know my mom still intends to, so we'll get back to it at some point.

Thank you! I just love it, and we had fun making it. My mom brought a wooden spatula and a cookie cutter for playing in the sand. I don't think she imagined the spatula would wind up a sand tank's turret gun or that the cookie cutter would make perfect tank wheels, haha.


awickedmemory September 4 2012, 20:46:12 UTC
Oh, 20 - 25 pounds isn't bad! YOU CAN DO IT! GANBATTE! JIAYOU! VIEL GLUCK! BON COURAGE! BUENA SUERTE! ... I actually... don't know how to say it in Korean... o___o;

*shoots you with encouragement gun* Look for more jobs! Even if you just look at a handful and apply to one a day, that's still seven a week! You never know what'll happen until you step out there! You're nice and you're intelligent and you're well-spoken and YOU CAN DO IT!

Ugh. I was always able to do lit analysis (unless it was Emily Dickinson-- eff that, I could NEVER analyze her) and got perfectly fine grades on them but it was always total bullshit on my end. XD i don't think I wrote hardly any lit analyses with substance, lol. Grasping at straws for every one of them, adhering to the letter with that list we had to memorize... tone-attitude-diction-language-figurative language-figure of speech-detail-imagery-point of view-perspective-organization-narrative structure-form-syntax-sentence structure-phrasing... we had a melody for it so I've never forgotten it. XD

Writing what she knows is a good place to start! Alternatively, writing something she doesn't know well but is interested in, as she could become knowledgeable on the topic as she researches and the character becomes knowledgeable. :3 Both are great motivators. Get her to do NaNoWriMo this November!

A cookie cutter, that's a brilliant idea. XD


yaburetayume February 2 2013, 01:58:39 UTC
Okay, so the job thing is moot right now because I'm going to go play nanny to my two nieces for about six months while their dad is TDY. My mom volunteered me and I think it'll be good for me to change things up a bit. It's kind of a strange thought. I've also started daydreaming that maybe I could actually meet you because I'll be living within about 500mi of you. Dunno if it'll be possible, though.

I suddenly got way back into reading poetry and I want to take a lit analysis class or something so I can understand it better. I hate feeling like something's going over my head, you know?

The book has gone on the back burner for now. We got busy as the holiday season approached and then my mom broke her shoulder during our vacation, so yeah. DX


awickedmemory February 5 2013, 17:56:01 UTC
What's TDY? o_o That sounds pretty cool, actually - six months of nannying. XD I mean, I hate kids so *I* wouldn't do it, but it sounds like a good change, yeah. XD Where will it be (500mi, really?!) and when are you leaving? :3 Would you be able to see a friend if you're playing nanny, though? o_o Or is there another parent who will be there as well?

Hahaha, that's abrupt. xD You probably could, though - check with a nearby community college on auditing a class as a non-degree student? :3 At our uni you still have to pay full-price unless you're a senior so it's SO NOT WORTH IT, but I think the community college has more leeway for non-students...

Makes sense... WHAT, broke it?! How?! D: Is she doing okay?


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