伊野尾!!! お誕生日おめでとう!!!

Jun 22, 2010 10:54

 Today is our Inoo-chan's birthday and the first day of my exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope Inoo can get solo song as soon as possible
I hope Inoo can do well in his uni life
I hope Inoo can manage his work and study well
I hope Inoo can get more fans! XD
I hope to see more YabuNoo <3
I hope to see Inoo more often in any shows
I hope Inoo will get shoot by camera more often
I hope Inoo can always be healthy
I hope Inoo can be closer with his family, friends, and of course JUMP's members~
I hope every dreams of Inoo will come true~
Happy birthday Inoo-chan! Wish you all the best!!!!!! オメデトウ ( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN!o(^^o)(o^^)o わくわく

inoo kei

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