The main cast of the the real-live adaption of "Peacemaker Kurogane" has been revealed today !
As I heard at the beginning of this month that "Peacemaker Kurogane" by Nanae Chrono will be transformated in a real-life TV-drama, my first tought was "Please, God, let them choose Kenta to be the actor of Ichimura Tesunosuke!!" And you know what happened...? God thought about this for eighteen days (he was probably busy with some other issues) and then he said: "You know what? That´s not a bad idea!". And then he granted my wish.
So: Suga Kenta will star as the main character Ichimura Tetsunosuke. Other important members of the cast will include Furukawa Yuta and Yanagishita Tomo ( of D-Boys), but that just by the way.
You have no idea how happy I´m about this !!
So ...Suga Kenta as Tetsunosuke in "Peacemaker Kurogane" and Ninomiya Kazunari as Kei Kurono in "Gantz"...can it get any better? No ...altough Hirota Ryohei as Yahiko in a real-live adaption of "Kenshin" would also be great. But not let´s greedy...