Late again, but still better than never: HQ BI Shadow-cuts from Shonen Club (04/14/09). And the general theme this time is: "short!"
First, we have a short medley featuring BI Shadow, Fresh jr., Hip Hop Jump and the Morimoto Shintaro Gang (Johnnys jr.)
Second, there is the talk part featuring Matsumura Hokuto and Fresh jr. Most of the talk part was done by cute-as-hell Fresh jr.-Shortie Otsuka Yuya (By the way did you know what he answered to the profile-question what type of girl he likes?..You guess it: He just said "short!" ^^)
And last: A very,very, very short version of "Fight all night" by BI Shadow featuring the energetic rapping of Tanaka Juri.
Very nice stuff,indeed..but just to damn....short!
File-type: AVI
Resolution: 1280x720
Size: 78 MB
MF Talk
File-type: AVI
Resolution: 1280x720
Size: 138 MB
001 002(Join with HJSplit)
Fight all night
File-type: AVI
Resolution: 1280x720
Size: 39,1 MB