Elmwood and what else?

Jul 26, 2004 20:38

So today i went over maxes house and i hung out over there. We went to the globe markey and i had the best cream o' brocoly soup. It was a really cool market they had all these exoctic spices and crap and it smelled good to the market i mean. So i decide i wanna stay longer and i call my dad and hes like being tottaly definant saying on how i dont fit into his scudual. w/e. i dont care. so what am i doing tomarwow oh yea i forgot spending the day with him ohhh goody but tomarwow wont be all that bad because i will go over my couins house and thats all ways cool. For some reason lulu thinks i stalk her and her jornal. shes my friend and i read her journal. lulu whats the prob. IM me. anyway so like max is going back to camp so i wont see him for like another month. Paige got all bitchy with me in this email. And i wont be going to the concert w/lulu cuz its sold out. Woah my life sucks. well w/e. u jus gotta roll with the punches.
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