Eternally Yours, part 2 chapter 6

Sep 13, 2009 00:11

Don't faint. It's really here. You aren't drunk or anything. Very sorry it's taken this long. I should be updating more frequently now that summer is over.



Bill flinched at the sharp scream, the anger and despair causing his teeth to clench. He narrowed his eyes in pain as his movement caused the wound in his shoulder to flare. He kept his gaze on his friend strapped to the table he was standing next too. The man who he'd come to love like a son and who's family had been suddenly and violently ripped apart.

"Bill...Bill look at me!" Deep blue eyes looked up to see the doctor currently trying to help Tony. "I need you to hold him down Bill. I can't work on him when he's in this kind of state."

He'd only met Baker once and even then it'd been under better circumstances. The man was a vampire and they'd fought together during the first World War. Bill remembers him in action then and knows that Josef sent away for the very best for Tony. He was going to need it.

Bill reached out and applied pressure to the middle of Tony's chest. Under normal conditions he'd be no match for the young hybrid. But given the amount of shots he'd taken, the kind of shots they were and frankly, the fact that Michelle's presence kept him sane on a good day, he was worried at how easily he could keep Tony down.

"Michelle! Where is she?! Why won't you let me go to her?!" Tony's thrashing grew in strength but Bill was able to keep him from knocking the doctor back like before. Blood was pouring from five round wounds displaced along his body. His color was pale and the blood still hadn't been cleaned from his face. The sword had been removed as soon as Jack had made it to Tony. That wound had healed once it was removed. The gunshots though, they weren't closing and Baker didn't look like he was pleased.

Bill watched as the doc took a small vile and collected a sample of the blue liquid leaking from the wounds. Baker turned to his equipment, mixing various substances with the vial. The color in the glass turned a dark brown and he shot worried eyes on Buchanan.

"We got a problem."

The sharp crack of flesh meeting bone echoed in the cell as Saunders back handed Michelle. She kept her face turned away, her breathing picking up with every hit he delivered.

"You will tell me what I need to know. It's just a matter of time."

Michelle slowly raised her eyes to his. She licked her lips tasting her own blood, fierce blue eyes glowing up at him. Tell him nothing child. He will kill us anyway.

Stephen smirked at her strength. "Is she talking to you? The dark mother? She telling you how to escape?" He reached out and attempted to touch her hair, but Michelle flinched back; the clanging of her chains bouncing off the stone walls.

"Feisty aren't we? It'll get you no where. I know what I'm doing and you'll stay caged down here till you give me what I want. How do I reverse the change?"

She turned her face away again, refusing to show him any weakness. He laughed and stepped closer to her, his whisper caused her hair to flutter.

"I think I may have killed him you know? Tony. I shot him full of silver nitrate mixed with liquid ultra-violet light. I'm sure the sword through the chest didn't help." He grinned as she jerked away from him. "I'm afraid the king has fallen from his throne."

Do not listen to him child.

Michelle closed her eyes. She could feel him, off in the distance, fading away. His presence was like a breeze, quick and calming but leaving her. Michelle...

Marcus entered the cell frowning at the scene in front of him. He wasn't a vampire lover, but if this woman was who she claimed to be... He shook off his hesitation. If Stephen saw any sign of weakness he'd dispatch him in an instant. Still, he couldn't quite rid himself of the feeling that this was all going to backfire spectacularly. He stopped behind his friend and leader. "Everything is in place."

Saunders never took his eyes off Michelle as he spoke. "The woman has been told?"

"Yes sir. She awaits our call."

Marcus watched as Stephen lifted Michelle's face to his as gently as any lover. "You will learn quickly my queen. I always get what I want."

Michelle's eyes narrowed in defiance, her voice dropping low. "He will come for me."

Stephen pulled her close and kissed her cheek, his lips brushing across her skin. His words, not his actions, caused her to shiver.

"I'm counting on it."

"They shot him with what?!"

Bill looked over at Jack's shout. Josef and Mick were pacing while Karen bounced Gabe on her side, trying to calm him down. The kid had been a handful since the attack. If Bill didn't know any better, he'd say the boy knew exactly what was going on.

"They've developed perfect ammunition against someone like Tony and Michelle. I haven't studied them to know for sure, but giving they have the abilities of the lycan and the vampire, this combination is really ingenious." Baker held up the vial that had the sample from Tony. "The silver nitrate keeps them from changing into a werewolf and the liquid UV is weakening him. It's slower than usual silver poisoning, but it's not healing. In fact, I don't know what to do about it."

Karen pulled Gabe closer to her shoulder. "He needs Michelle." Everyone turned to her. "During the attack, I saw her run to him something."

"I saw it too." Bill was looking down but raised his head when he felt eyes on him. "After I was shot, I saw her eyes. They were yellow. Glowing yellow."

Baker's gaze shifted up in concentration, then he went to his room and came back with a book. "She's evolving." He laid the book on the coffee table, pointing to a drawing. Everyone came closer and leaned in, the black ink sketch displaying a woman surrounded by energy. "I suspect he's changed as well, we just haven't seen it. They should both take on the abilities and properties of their...well guests for lack of a better term."

"You're kidding right? You're saying they are becoming Caine and Lilith?" Josef glanced back down at the drawing, his brows knitting together.

Baker nodded enthusiastically. "It makes sense. The prophecy talks about the reincarnation of the dark mother." He shrugged. "It's just no one was expecting Caine to follow her."

Jack was the first one to voice what they were all suddenly thinking. "If Caine loved Lilith half as much as Tony loves Michelle, it isn't a surprise."

"So what do we do? We can't heal him and we don't have Michelle. Although we are pretty sure we know where Saunders took her." Josef started to pace again. "You all realize this is going to cause more problems than we are even anticipating? There is a chance this causes us to have a full on war on our hands. Werewolves already distrust vampires, present company excluded of course." He shot a sardonic smile at Bill and Karen. "Once the word is out that Caine has returned along with the dark mother, all hell will break loose. Every emo night stalker in a hundred mile radius will be scrambling to get to Michelle. And you can be damn sure the lycans aren't going to like taking orders from a once vampire."

The room went silent. Everyone internally debating on what could possibly be done. They all jumped when someone spoke from the doorway.

"I'll tell ya what we are gonna do."

After the initial shock all eyes turned toward Tony, standing shirtless and bloody in the entrance to the room. His breathing was labored but heavy and his voice was raw from his previous yelling. Each open wound was clear and made a twisted connect the dots pattern across his chest. Hair sweaty and falling into his eyes, his face streaked with blood; he looked like death warmed over. He was looking at the floor, his sword hanging from his hand at his side. The door jam was holding him up, but once he raised his eyes to the room, no one questioned his determination.

"We're gonna go get her. And then I'm going to kill that son of a bitch."

tony/michelle, au, eyp2

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