prompt: signature - t/m

May 23, 2009 20:42

This was for astrum_presul.

Prompt: signature


"Who are you?"

"You know who I am."

Tony Almeida crinkled his eyes in suspicion. Yeah, he was pretty sure he knew exactly who he was talking to. And he knew exactly what would be offered to him.

"See. Nothing gets past you does it Almeida." The other "man" taunted him. Tony used "man" loosely. He was a thing. Neither male nor female and definitely not human. He was the embodiment of all things unholy. The bringer of darkness. The prince of the city of fire.

Lucifer. And he had a business proposition for him.

"Explain to me again how all this would work?" Tony paced back and forth. They were...nowhere. Everything was grey and smoky and when he tried to focus on any one point his sight seemed to shimmer keeping him off balance. It had started to make him sick but the pacing seemed to keep him from focusing too long and making his head spin. For a split second he thought about how unfair it was to be dead and still be able to puke.

The demon just sighed heavily and repeated the rules he'd already explained before. "No matter how many times you make me repeat it Anthony, it's still the same. If you do this, your soul is mine. Period. That's it. Stop wasting time and just make a decision."

Tony stopped moving and focused his eyes on the being. He shimmered too, only his flashes looked more like a computer glitch and Tony swore he saw brief glimpses of horns and fire instead of a man in a suit. Still, he was already dead and if Lucifer thought he could intimidate him, he'd obviously never ran into an Almeida before. "Humor me."

Again the demon sighed and this time Tony did see smoke release as his breath. "If you agree to the terms I'll send you back. You will have whatever resources you need to complete your revenge. All I need from you is one death. You kill the person I tell you too and once you are successful, I will release Michelle back to you, exactly the way she was before her death."

"There aren't any loopholes right? I'm not going to go back and find it's a different reality or some crazy shit like that?" Tony had stepped closer to the demon, invading his personal space. Lucifer just smirked and looked back at him with an air of cockiness. "As if I have nothing better to do than to torment filthy humans. This is a gift Anthony. Under normal circumstances I would dispatch this individual myself. But this project requires more...finesse. I've watched you for a long time. It's no secret there is darkness in your heart. It was just trying to find the one thing that controlled the switch to turning it on. She's your switch my friend."

Tony watched as the clouds around them became more dense. Visions playing atop them like movies. Michelle at her first day at CTU. Michelle bringing him coffee for the first time. Their first date, first kiss, first everything. And then, Lucifer showed him things he'd never seen before. Things he'd never had the chance to experience. Michelle giving birth, them naming their child, watching him at his first day at school.

"It's ok to be selfish Anthony. You love her. In fact I'd have to tell you that you love her more than any human being has loved another in a long time. Trust me, I would know." Tony's eyes stayed focused on the various scenes being played before him. Lucifer waved his palm and a book appeared in his hand. He opened it to a blank page and handed Tony a long feather quill. The images around them all turned to stare back at Tony and Lucifer watched as the man's face changed from painful to determined. He had him.

"It's time to make your choice Anthony. Exist forever in agony without her or make those responsible pay and have the life you've always been denied?"

Tony took one last lingering look at the images spread out in the nothingness, took the quill and signed his name.

tony/michelle, blind faith, prompts

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