I have no idea why loudtwitter keeps breaking. I just noticed that my messages weren't making it onto LJ. I'll try and fix that.
Yeah I'm not using this much. I'm just too busy to really do much on LJ anymore. I made a new website for myself and the fam where the kid has her own page which I'm sure will expand. I'll be doing some blogging there as well. I'll keep LJ around for fan fiction stuff but that will prolly be about it for a while. I'll still check on everything as often as I can but I might as well just come out and say that I haven't had any inspiration to write anything on LJ in a while. My frame of mind has changed. I'll try and keep everyone updated on what's going on with me and the kid but also check out
In case people missed it on Twitter (not sure when loudtwitter broke), we will be naming the kid Dana Madison. Lil D had her non-shower shower (I didn't want a shower, I find them sexist to guys) and she made out like a mad woman. I have some awesome friends, we'll just put it that way. =)
The gestational diabetes thing is going ok. No issues there. Everything is on schedule and is where it should be. We go to Dragon*Con this week and I will attempt to get some Stargate info but to be honest I doubt I'll be able to stand/sit in the lines like I had to last year so sorry for those that were hoping I could tape some more panels. I will try, but don't hold your breath.
Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things on here.