I couldn't resist

Apr 22, 2010 09:31

This is absolutely disgusting and I couldn't help but rant about it.

The governor of Oklahoma is considering tough new abortion bills that would allow doctors to withhold test results showing fetal defects and require women to answer intrusive questions.

The results of the questionnaires would be posted online.

That's right ladies. If this clown gets his way and you go in for an abortion in OK, not only will they withhold test results from you about the state of the fetus, but they will then post information about your medical and possibly personal history on the internet. Why you ask? Well to shame the slut out of you of course.

What the fuck people? Seriously? I don't know about anyone else but I'm getting really tired of these fucking guys telling us what we can and can't do with our bodies. And now, a woman doesn't even have the right to the results of the tests performed ON HER. Even better let's publish her info on the web so everyone can see what a whore she is because that's obviously why she's thinking of having an abortion.

And I can't help but notice that no where does it say the father in these situations will also have his info posted on the web for everyone to see. Oh that's right, he's not the whore.


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