Aug 21, 2006 10:00
So I wrote up a whole thing about TX. I went there 2 weeks ago? 4 probably. It was pretty fun. but I lost it, so I will quickly recap the events. It was hot. Bball with the ghetto kids, pimpalac, saw lil miss sunshine. egyptian italian food, C4's house for most of the time, hot tubbing, magic time machine, sitting at arts work for ten hours, long phone conversations, spoon in the nose, racing a mustang and loosing, the mall, dallas, JFK area, and ETC. I hate when I procrastinate about certian things, but I aint changing. So Here goes while I am on a role. I think I forgot WV as well. Oh well. That was fun. Rafting long drive ghost town pizza hut, hotel swimming too hot, massage giving, bridge seeing, aunt marie, Actually i thik i did post this stuff. ok So on to recent. I just got back yesterday from camping in Mackinaw city. It was super fun and I got AWESOME pictures. Seeing some pictures of her, wow. I didn't think they would have come out so good, the lighting and colors and everything was super awsome. but I can look at them so I don't need to write to remember. We drove up there after leaving an hour + late. and took a very stupid/confusing route. The small towns were kind of neat but... blah. So on the way back I just took the regular way that made sence to me rather than relying on maps and GPS and suggestions and stuff like that, and the drive along the lake was amasing, It is very picture esk up there, later in fall would be even better too. but we got up there eventually, crossed the bridge set up camp, went grocery shopping, came back and made dinner, this soup in bread pudgie pie thing and some bannnanna boat deserts and hung out around the fire, and played phase ten and set back in the tent. and we took our bikes around the camp ground and took some pics. the next mornign we cooked breakfast and then hopped on the ferry. we biked around the island and It stared to rain half way around and we were wet but we finnally made it back and went in all the stores and ate at marys bistro. then It cleared up a bit so I took them to arch rock and the hotel and some of the old victorian houses, then we went home and the boat wa super rough. back at the site, we ok not to wet, but all of our wood was. it took me like 2 hours to get a fire going, so we had to cook in the dark pretty much. mde some potatoes/carrot onion thing grilled cheeze, and these cinnamon apple deserts. sat around the fire a long time lisetend to music and stuff, and then we went to play phase ten and went to bed. In the morning We did our usually not wanting to leave and "hid" under the covers as the other changed. we packed up and drove off to big boy with a nice veiw great food and good company. they all slept the whole way home basically. and I drove. then later last night I went back over there and we walked around the lake, and I showed the pictue I took. Oh and we stopped by the mystery spot but diddn't want to pay to go in. I boght a mug though. Today is Leighs 50th birthday. I am sure we will do somthing. What else. not much. I have been doing yoga as well when I wak eup and before bed. It is pretty cool, my back doesn't hurt as much and for the first time in my life I can touch my toes. neat. and I only started like 2 weeks ago. all right thatll do I suppose.