Dec 13, 2005 01:12
F'em La Bushe!
vive lom per!
well mabey just a little...
figure i might has well post. i got inspired yet have nothing of importance to say or remember. i read fREW's whoel journal today, well as far as i could get in the time allotted. a few years though, how come there isnt an easier way of viewing the back entries other than clicking on each day and then going back and clicking the next one. that wastd like 12 hours. i could have read all of that in like an hour if i diddnt have to click so much crap. i hate clicking. the next click i click can click itself to click. conans a rerun. boooo. why is this show on so late out here and out east as well. central time is killer. you dont have to wait so long for cool stuff to happen. well technically its like noon for me, but it isnt. my schedual got thrown off in like a day. in credable. not really. my schedual suckt. i hope to never do that again in my life unless for some really inportant reason that i cant fathom.
hmm what eles did i do. i diddnt get hungry once so far. so. i dont know. hopefully tommorow. i hope i diddnt catch that anna's rexic disease. i pretty much just kept making my self angry all day. but couldnt stop.
CREAM CITY!! hope its ready next week! thatll be tight. endless flow. man i havnt done any of that "street" stuff for ages. oh well. i'll just get mob.
how do you know when mexicans have moved into your neighbor hood? the blacks get car insurance!
i hope my plane doesnt run into any houses thurday. 2 of them did last week, the run way was icey an when it landed the plane diddnt stop and kept going and crashed into a subdivision. hahaha. man that pilot must have been salty as heck. do you like swap insurance after that? "Oh, please Mr Stearns... you can buff that out!" so ya that would suck, but the pople on the plane apparently diddnt even know untill they got out. if i really crash that would suck for randy and leigh to drive all that way for nothign. oh well. only time will tell. i just wont turn on my cell phone on tha plane.
well this post sucked as i have nothing good ta say. it just felt liek an obligation.