yall got kool-aid? heeeellllll noooo

Sep 01, 2004 22:45

SoOo um yesterday for a fun times story, nikki opens my window right? and she pulls up the screen and is hangin out the window n starts yellin to these 10 yr old kids... so they come over n she flys outta the window and i tryed to get the screen down but she broke it! so um these kids are like, "come down stairs!" so i did and he flys in my apartment building and runs up my steps n was like "YALL GOT KOOL AID?" i was like "hey kid! get the hell outta my house" and me n nikki locked him out... it was scary... so then he was outside my window again n nikki was like " I'm gonna beat ur ass!" so they were like "come down here then" and we wouldnt so he starts chuckin rocks in my window and they are flying in my room... so i hit the kid back n he laughed n i was like " STOP THROWIN SHIT KID"... jesus... damn kids, sayin he was 14 when he was like 12.. then sean came over and nikki tried to cook a pizza in the microwave, it was nasty

today = school, then home, then tennis match ( we did really good!) , got done at 7:30, went to my house, then went to get school supplies with nikki, her dad, n sis, then went back to her house, then came home, did my homework, ate dinner, annnnnd now its 10:53.. fun times.... i guess

nateo2424: hes like this giant obease bowl of juice
nateo2424: and he just breaks through ur walls and is like oooh yeah
nateo2424: and ur just like what the hell u just put a hole in my house
nateo2424: and then hes got these commercials where hes got all these little kids at his house like its neverland ranch
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