Jul 14, 2006 20:09
My novel is not coming along at all lately. I've been content to lay around reading ARC's and chugging down Godiva Frappucinos (which are exactly $4.50 and cheaper than starbucks and more wonderful because they have crushed truffles in them).
I finally got Beth Killian's sequel to Life as A Poser in the mail and I was jumping up and down with joy. I'm almost done with it, I got it at 4:00.
ARC's are taking over my bedroom I have to figure out some sort of system. I think I'm going to go to Office Depot and get me some orange stickers and put them on all the books I haven't read yet which is at this point exactly: 21. Look at that, I'm legal.
21 books. I'm going to have to ween some off my shelf. I've developed this system where I examine the books cover, read the first chapter and put it back on my shelf. The system is when I go to put it back on my shelf, if I walk away and it takes me more than five seconds to dive back for it, then it can stay on the shelf.
I think the books I've already reviewed didn't even make it to my bookshelf. But then I've got a lot of them who I just recieved in boxes from publishing companies so I haven't even examined them yet.
I will finish reading these two books this weekend and write reviews on them.
Yes. I will.
Oh, and check out my website I've been doing lots of updates on it: