Всем прыгать!!! Стриж перевел "За Серебром!"

Jan 22, 2016 07:28

Теперь я могу петь "Песню путешественников" еще и _сюда_.

Оригинал взят у lxe в "of an expedition that was sent for treasures and found the end of time"

For silver's sake and for Adam's missing strake, ivory and cane tea,
time in whelming plenty,
help us keep fruit of destined trip.
By riversides, by the old river waves, by the navy stone
we'll get far from home,
ridges far away...
Ridges far away.

Silently breaking from the grain, grasses ripple lonely,
trains of night aroma,
stars in quiet reign.
The path is long to the shores of hidden herb, to the rings of serpent,
chimes of rime uncertain,
ante-world in ante-verb.

All we have managed, we have made, left in highland prairie,
off the sun prepared,
off the land a waft of shade.
Come on, stand straight on my Argo's pilot bridge neckerchiefed in midnight,
stone strained last minute,
distant starlight reach.

For silver's sake and for Adam's missing strake, ivory and cane tea
time in whelming plenty
busts a thunderous timequake. (x2)


радости жизни, щастье, стихов, ЭТО НАДО ЖЕ, двойники

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