Hm, I live o.< Isn't that an interesting thought. Marie said somethign to me today about Hampster wanted my LJ sn... and I realized I haven't posted on my journal in a long while! *laughes* I'm so negligent... and I was doing SO WELL! O_o; ah well.
Hm... first things first I suppose. I got a dozen long stem red roses for V-day today ^^ My boyfriend is grand XD! Marie got 6 black roses (she likes black o.<) from her's. XP hehehhe!! I couldn't tote my roses around cause Mr. Megehen didn't liek the fact that David had them delivered to school. ^^; So I hid my roses in Mrs. Cougil's room o_o; And since David took me ass oput of class and gave me my roses, which he said he was goign to do (I embaress over romantic things PSYCHOTICALLY easily!!!!)I made sure that what I got him (a stuffed dog holdign a heart and a heart tin of chocolates with Terry Stewart (nascar #20) on it) was in a nice, LARGE *pink* bag, with lots of pink and hearted tissue paper and a buncha pink ribbons. `.` You don't embaress me and get away with it scot free! XD!!!
Hm, aside from that o.O; On Sunday I'm going to the Daytona 500. Tis a Nascar event. I liek Nascar. I CAN'T WAIT!! And David's comign with us! YAY! He may be spending the night on Sat. night, too o.O; and yes, he will be sleepign on the couch, you suckers. >P
o.O Aside from that... Algebra I was fun today. o.< All the frshman we're beign uncommonly funny. XD! It was grand.
OH!!! OH OH OH OOOOOH! At Lunch! OMG! It was so frickin' funny! O_O!! I can't remeber what I said, but Cyan had been drinkign some juice, and it was really funnny si she spit out all of her juice! It was a spray as she laughed!! This comign from Cyan was even MORE hilarious!! Cause Cyan is very *vry* docile. XP!!! OMFG was it FUNNY!!!
ooookie dokie. Anyways. XP;
I need a Flogging Molly CD. o.o I can't find my burned one.. no wait *looks in D drive* Ah. Damn. Not there. Fuck. I NEED MY FLOGGING MOLLY CD GOD DAMMIT!!
O.o; yes. I have money! *grin* Not much, but a leetle! (13 dollars, to be exact *sigh*) But It's enough to go to the gaming place! XD! I just gotta call Ibby and have her hit Jake up for directions. XP Ibby says the place steals you soul... I can't WAIT to go!!! *cackles* I'll prolly spend my money on a few hours there. First hour is free, so that is happiness. I think everyother hour is like, 5 bucks? o.O Maybe it was 15? Arg, hope not. x.x;
If I can't afford the game place or don't find out where it is.... I think Marie and I will head to the mall. ^^; Just gotta ask her if she wants ot go *laughes* ^^
Hm, okay. I'm getting boring now. XD I shall see everyone later!! Oh yeah, you should go
here because it's my DArt account. o_o it's all of my lovely art work. NO GO! O_O NOW!!!