Jan 22, 2004 21:56
Okay I just got back from awesome-ness man!!! O_O And... I don't know what made it so awesome! All we did was walk around and be stupid! XD! let''s start from the beginign shall we?
Ty calls us and is all, 'let's go to the movies' so we were all, 'okay.' Had soem problems with mom to begin with, but it turned oout okay and we drove to the theatre. o.o; So we got there... and Ty was all late. We saw Gimpy first and spoke to him... then we saw Steve. o.O Then... we talked to people. I saw My kitty! *cough* Thats Marvin for those of you who don't know. ^^;;; Don't ask why I call him my kitty. he just *IS* okay? ^^;;;;;; Anyhoozle. Marvie was all, 'tickets are sold out for Big Fish!' and were were all WTF?! o.O; SoooOOoo.... yeah. Tickets for it were soldf out.. and Ty came. We bitched at him, then decided to wlak over to the ice cream joint and get ice cream.... in the 50* weather. Smmmmart. So Marie and I get ice cream and eat it outside. We are then joined by Gwen, Lacey (Laci? Lacey? o.O; GOD DAMMIT!) and... this other girl whom I don't know her name but I'll find out because I talked to her for quite a while and she was kick ass too XD!
We talked for a while... while I bitched about the cold. o.o; And then we all decided to go to chik-fil-a to both Matt Pagano. o.o;;; So.. I drive over there, and they walk cause.. o.O I couldn't leave my car. o.<; Don't ask, parental issue. Anyhoozle. I wait.. and I got pissed while waiting cause they went into payless. But I got over it rather quick because... chik-fil-a was rather fun. XD! We all went in.. and found out Pagano wasn't working. o.o So we were all, 'oh well!' People bpught drinks... then we walked ot dunkin' dounuts for some deranged reason. XD! MORE funny shit happened! O_O! Got into dunkin' dounuts... and I ordered vanilla coffee, Marie got some iced coffee thing. Ty adn Matt got coffee... stuff o.o Twas funny Gwen leaned over to me and was all, 'that guyw as staring at me!! >.>;;; he told us we could stya out till 10, but then NO we couldn't cause we didn't go see the movie! So we had to be home at 9:30! How GAY o.O I mean, its a half hour difference!! DAMN! >< He needs a cell phone, god dammit. >