Стандарт МЭК 60445:2017 ─ предложения по изменению требований

Jan 17, 2020 13:22

31 января завершается срок представления в МЭК предложений по внесению изменений в стандарт МЭК 60445 (см. http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/52816.html и https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/58741.html ). В России действует ГОСТ 33542 (см. http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/18503.html , http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/27239.html ), который разработан на основе стандарта МЭК 60445:2010.
На основе современной национальной терминологии и предложений по изменению терминологии стандарта МЭК 60050-195 (см. https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/93799.html и https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/94160.html ), а также требований ГОСТ 33542 нами подготовлены предложения по внесению изменений в терминологию и требования стандарта МЭК 60445. Рассмотрим предложения по изменению требований. Предложения по изменению терминологии стандарта МЭК 60445 см. https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/96071.html .

1. В п. 6.2.2 стандарта МЭК 60445 указано:
«Neutral or mid-point conductor
Where a circuit includes a neutral or mid-point conductor identified by colour, the colour used for this purpose shall be BLUE. In order to avoid confusion with other colours it is recommended to use an unsaturated colour BLUE, often called "light blue". BLUE shall not be used for identifying any other conductor where confusion is possible.
In the absence of a neutral or mid-point conductor within the whole wiring system, a conductor identified by BLUE may be used for any other purposes, except as a protective conductor».
Эти требования следует изложить иначе:
Neutral or mid conductor
The neutral or mid conductor shall be identified by BLUE. In order to avoid confusion with other colours it is recommended to use an unsaturated colour BLUE, often called "light blue". BLUE shall not be used for identifying any other conductor, except PEN conductor, PEM conductor, PEL conductor and earthed line conductor.

2. В п. 6.2.3 стандарта МЭК 60445 указано:
«Line conductor in AC system
For line conductors in AC systems the preferred colours are BLACK, BROWN and GREY».
Эти требования следует изложить иначе:
Phase conductor in AC electric circuit
For phase conductors in AC electric circuits the preferred colours are BLACK, BROWN and GREY. The preferred colour of the phase conductor of a single-phase electric circuit is BROWN.
When the single-phase electric circuit is branched from a three-phase electric circuit, the colour identification of the phase conductor of the single-phase electric circuit should coincide with the colour identification of that phase conductor of the three-phase electric circuit to which it is connected electrically.
The earthed phase conductor shall be identified by BLUE. If confusion with the neutral conductor, the mid conductor or the earthed pole conductor is likely, the alphanumeric designation shall be indicated at the terminations of the earthed phase conductors and in points of their connections.

3. В п. 6.2.43 стандарта МЭК 60445 указано:
«Line conductor in DC system
For line conductors in DC systems the preferred colours are:
- RED for the positive line conductor,
- WHITE for the negative line conductor».
Эти требования следует изложить иначе:
Pole conductor in DC electric circuit
For pole conductors in DC electric circuits the preferred colours are:
- RED for the positive pole conductor,
- WHITE for the negative pole conductor.
When the two-wire DC electric circuit is branched from a three-wire DC electric circuit, the colour identification of the pole conductor of the two-wire electric circuit should coincide with the colour identification of that pole conductor of the three-wire electric circuit to which it is connected electrically.
The earthed pole conductor shall be identified by BLUE. If confusion with the neutral conductor, the mid conductor or the earthed phase conductor is likely, the alphanumeric designation shall be indicated at the terminations of the earthed pole conductors and in points of their connections.

4. В п. 6.3.3 стандарта МЭК 60445 указано:
«PEN conductor
A PEN conductor, when insulated, shall be marked by one of the following methods:
- GREEN-AND-YELLOW throughout its length with, in addition, BLUE markings at the terminations and points of connection; or
- BLUE throughout its length with, in addition, GREEN-AND-YELLOW markings at the terminations and points of connection.
The method to be applied within a country should be decided by the National Committee and not on an individual basis».
Эти требования следует изложить иначе:
PEN conductor
PEN conductor, when insulated, shall be marked GREEN-AND-YELLOW throughout its length with, in addition, BLUE markings at its terminations and points of connection of the PEN conductor.

5. В п. 7.3.7 стандарта МЭК 60445 указано:
«Protective bonding conductor
The alphanumeric identification of a protective bonding conductor shall be ‘PB’».
Эти требования следует изложить иначе:
Protective bonding conductor
The alphanumeric identification of a protective bonding conductor shall be ‘PB’.
A protective bonding conductor will in most cases be an earthed protective bonding conductor. It is not necessary to designate it with PBE. In those cases where a distinction between an earthed protective bonding conductor and an unearthed protective bonding conductor is used, a clear distinction between them shall be made (for example, within electro-medical installations) and the designations PBE and PBU should be applied.

6. В п. 7.3.8 стандарта МЭК 60445 указано:
«Protective bonding conductor earthed
If it is necessary to distinguish between a protective bonding conductor earthed and a protective bonding conductor unearthed, the alphanumeric identification of a protective bonding conductor earthed shall be ‘PBE’».
Эти требования следует изложить иначе:
Earthed protective bonding conductor
If it is necessary to distinguish between an earthed protective bonding conductor and an unearthed protective bonding conductor, the alphanumeric identification of an earthed protective bonding conductor shall be ‘PBE’.

7. В п. 7.3.9 стандарта МЭК 60445 указано:
«Protective bonding conductor unearthed
If it is necessary to distinguish between a protective bonding conductor earthed and a protective bonding conductor unearthed, the alphanumeric identification of a protective bonding conductor unearthed shall be ‘PBU’».
Эти требования следует изложить иначе:
Unearthed protective bonding conductor
If it is necessary to distinguish between an earthed protective bonding conductor and an unearthed protective bonding conductor, the alphanumeric identification of an unearthed protective bonding conductor shall be ‘PBU’.

8. В п. 7.3.12 стандарта МЭК 60445 указано:
«Mid-point conductor
The alphanumeric identification of a mid-point conductor shall be ‘M’».
Эти требования следует изложить иначе:
Mid conductor
The alphanumeric identification of a mid conductor shall be ‘M’.

9. В подраздел 7.3 стандарта МЭК 60445 необходимо включить следующие требования:
7.3.14 Phase conductor
The alphanumeric identification of the phase conductor of a single-phase electric circuit shall be "L". The alphanumeric identification of phase conductors of a three-phase electric circuit shall be "L1", "L2" and "L3".
When the single-phase electric circuit is branched from a three-phase electric circuit, the alphanumeric identification of the phase conductor of the single-phase electric circuit should coincide with the alphanumeric identification of that phase conductor of the three-phase electric circuit to which it is connected electrically.
7.3.15 Pole conductor
The alphanumeric identification of the positive pole conductor shall be "L+", and of the negative pole conductor shall be "L-".
When the two-wire DC electric circuit is branched from a three-wire DC electric circuit, the alphanumeric identification of the pole conductor of the two-wire electric circuit should coincide with the alphanumeric identification of that pole conductor of the three-wire electric circuit to which it is connected electrically.
7.3.16 Earthed phase conductor
The alphanumeric identification of the earthed phase conductor of a single-phase electric circuit shall be "LE", and of a three-phase electric circuit shall be "LE1", "LE2" or "LE3".
7.3.17 Earthed pole conductor
The alphanumeric identification of the positive earthed pole conductor shall be "LE+", the negative earthed pole conductor shall be "LE-".

10. Поскольку требования стандарта МЭК 60445 предложено изменить, таблицу A.1 необходимо заменить новой:

Заключение. Требования стандарта МЭК 60445 необходимо уточнить. Такое уточнение можно выполнить на основе современных требований ГОСТ 33542.

pen, МЭК 60445, ГОСТ 33542, электрооборудование, полюсный проводник, защитный проводник, фазный проводник, нейтральный проводник, pel, pem, линейный проводник

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