Oct 23, 2006 11:18
(Tag Santo and Layla and everyone else on the ground)
Captain Steven Rogers was one of those people who had the unique fortune to have a passing acquaintanceship Rowena Mox-Xanathos. They’d encountered each other at several points over both their lives, and one thing had been made very clear to Captain America each time.
Rowena did not like him.
Part of it might have been his fault. He’d made a poor first impression (though how it warranted being pushed out a window was still beyond him). But there seemed to be no reason to hold a grudge this long. He would have been glad to forgive and forget, if it meant that she wouldn’t threaten to throw him out windows anymore.
At the moment, what he really wanted to do was drop her down a bottomless well.
He really didn’t need a lecture from someone who was at least four years his junior in the first place, and who looked young enough to be his daughter.
Perhaps the worst part was how quietly she was talking. There was something about the tone that made his hair stand on end and made him reach of his shield. If there was one other thing he’d picked up about the witch, it was that she was at her most dangerous when she was being quiet.
It didn’t help that the women with the dyed hair was pacing near the boy with the flaming chest and growling at them both every so often.
The immortal stopped talking suddenly, her eyes darting around as she tugged at the over-large tee-shirt she wore. Her scowl faded a bit as her brows drew together and her eyes narrowed, and the ambient temperature dropped enough that Cap could see his breath misting in the air.
“What is it?” Cap asked.