Florecent lights buzzed gently in the gunmetal grey corridor as Dr. Vanessa Sinesis walked down it, looking in on her newest specimines. A small smile tugged at her cupid bow lips, which she caught in the wall's reflection. The smile widened a bit as she regarded her still smooth and pale skin, and her carefully styled red hair. She smoothed a
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Zack swaggered to his feet as best he could. His head was swimming and walking felt strange. His stomach was doing things it had never done before.
"That's... That's easy enough for you to say, @$$hole! You didn't just have your whole f*cking physiology knocked out of whack!" Zack staggerred back to the bunk and plopped down. 'I fell and didn't break anything...'
She directed her attention to Tommy, who seemed to know the place. "Who is this Mantis person she was talking about?"
Because there was always testing and poking and prodding and really, at this point, he’d take Teddy’s homicidal kidnappers over revisiting that any day. Not that it mattered, maybe he should just get used to being a human lab rat. He sighed, raking his fingers through his hair.
She wasn't wearing a collar.
Billy rolled away from the toilet and forced himself upright. He scanned those cells that he could see, counting. "I don't see the Vision. Or Mrs. Xanathos."
"Grandma's not here." Eliza whispered. "She's going to be so very, very angry." This seemed to make her happy. She smiled a half-mad smile. "She'll huff, and she'll puff, and she'll blow their house down..."
"So a rescue is on the way." Billy said firmly. "Besides, we can get out of here. All we have to do is think. These collars had to be put on us, so there has to be a way to take them off."
“Shut up!” She snapped. “The Vision is not dead, he’s probably found Eli and alerted the Avengers and they’re on their way here now. And even if they’re not I am not just going to sit here and let them use us as guinea pigs. We are getting out of here before that so if you don’t have any suggestions, you can just shut the hell up!”
Cassie felt her stomach twist and nearly threw up. Vision’s not a scrap heap, Eli’s coming, and the Avengers are on their way too, she told herself. They were not going to die here. Their lives were not going to end in this miserable prison. She hadn’t done anything wrong.
Want to or not, the brewing storm in the cell-block didn't give him much of a choice. Teddy almost didn't wince when he got to his feet and crossed the small cell, hand landing on Tommy's shoulder to pull the speedster away from the force-field. It took more effort than it should have; dammit, he wanted his super-strength back.
"You're not helping," he said flatly. "If you can't be less of a jerk than you have been since you broke me out before, then Cassie's right: sit down and shut up." There was only so long his patience was going to last if the Billy knockoff didn't start cooperating.
He felt another wave of nausea pass over. Was it the woman's presence? The imposing visage of the prison walls? Or was it all those years of drinking motor oil as a joke catching up with him? 'I could /really/ use my innards back, like five minutes ago.'
"Uh, excuse me, doc? Hey, how's it goin'? Um... how can I put this delicately..." He spoke very carefully, as if trying to get just the right words together. "What... the fuck... is going on?"
"And did you have to put us girls across from the guys?" she asked when the metal guy had stopped talking. "I can respect a good bit of psychological warfare, but this is just awkward." There were all sorts of advantages to talking: if you couldn't talk circles around a person, sound like someone they'd be more interested in or more likely to ignore.
Her smile was sharp and cruel as she let her hand drop. "Good little super soliders who will do everything they tell them to. I do so love you Americans. Willing to kill your own children in the name of your so called freedom."
Vanessa finally turned towards the girl's side. She still wasn't looking at Kate, though. And she was still smiling.
Sofia watched Dr. Sinesis carefully as she moved past her cell and towards Tommy’s, studying her for anything that could be used to their advantage. Xavier’s pushed everyone to master this ability to observe; she never mastered it, but she hoped she knew enough to pick up something. Before she could pick up anything useful, her attention was directed from her movements to what she was saying ( ... )
She raised a finger, waggled it at Tommy, and pressed a button. The forcefeild on Tommy and Teddy's cell disappeared with a faint fizzle. "Well?" she said, putting her hands on her hips.
After much self-deliberation, a detailed search of the room, and a little careful fidgeting with his collar, Zack approached Billy, as to not draw any attention to either of them.
Under the din of the arguement outside, he asked as quietly as he could "Say, Billy, what do suppose would happen first if tried to take this off; I blow up with it, or I turn back to steel and am okay?"
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