Nico had the Staff of One out, laying across her lap as she stared at the very neutral walls of the little… well, sitting area was the best way to describe it. This was where they’d all been stuck after the Avengers had determined that they weren’t in need of any immediate medical care. The sitting area had the only door out. There weren’t any
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She twisted a little in her seat, swinging her legs over the side so she was looking at Kevin. "Y'know, I thought this place would be more... super-hero-y. With guys flying around all over the place and stuff."
Wither began drawing a modified version of the falling figure, making it more graceful, with a better defined arc to the body. "Everyone there was special because of their powers. Not because of anything they were actually good at. The students with the less flashy powers kind of got pushed to the side ( ... )
"Hey Nico, look what the living Ipod let me play with." He said, not realizing how loud he was. "Its like an ipod, except its a communication device too. I'll obviously have to check with Vic later to make sure that they didn't program a tracker into this thing."
He looked down at the couch and realized that he hadn't met the mutant kid yet in all the chaos.
"So who are you? The gloved wonder?"
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," she added.
She turned her head as Chase came in, being loud and obnoxious. Very slowly, she exhaled. She was not going to yell at Chase in front of Kevin. And she wasn't going to turn him into something slimey, no matter how tempting it was.
"His name is Kevin, Chase," she said, giving the boy her best, 'you be nice' glare as she reached out and touched the Staff of One with her fingers.
He turned his attention back to Nico as he set his drawing pad on the floor, reconsidering the falling figure. It really wasn't bad, even with the X drawn through it. "I left because... well, I left because I could, and because everything was falling apart, and because..."
Kevin became fascinated with his shoes. Did he really need to tell them this? He trusted Nico, but the other guy he wasn't so sure about. Oh well. He's already said this much. "It was pretty chaotic when everyone lost their powers. In all of that, I hurt someone I cared about. Really badly." There. Now it was out. All he could hope is that the Runaways wouldn't react the way the others had.
"Nico, I'm going to give you guys some privacy. I feel like looking around some more."
With that, chase walked out of the room. He sighed as he remembered just what he had gone through himself.
Kevin could have recognized the kid, but Chase only would have noted him as the large white wolf that had been hiding under various beds in the hospital. Human-Cyrus was still wearing the scrubs that Mr. Kaplan had given him at the hospital. And also a pair of glasses. Cleo had brought them for him, since he always forgot them.
Cyrus had brought Molly, who had worked most of the drugs out of her system and had been making noises about wanting her friends.
"I hate when people sneak up behind m, I really hate that. I'm going to go find something to do."
He stormed off hoping that no one had touched the leapfrog.
"I...sorry." he whispered, looking down at the floor. He hadn't meant to upset Molly's friend. And he wasn't sneaking, he was just being quiet and trying not to disturb anyone.
Even in human form, Cyrus managed to give the impression that his tail was tucked between his legs.
Old Lace sniffed at the werewolf and Gert looked around, "So, what does a girl have to do to get some food around here?"
She sighed and patted Old Lace on the head at the same time as moving her slightly away from Cyrus. Gert looked up at Cyrus, "You're friends with Molly right?"
As it was, he rather got the impression that the purple haired girl could chew him up and spit him out, if only metaphorically. He didn't feel that she had any intention of doing so, but he didn't doubt that she was capable of it.
Okay, she knew she wasn't exactly the best judge of character, but she was pretty sure he wasn't the kind of guy who'd hurt someone on purpose. If he was, he could have just killed her back when they were both being held hostage by the man she was starting to think of as Voldemort Lite.
"What's with your friend, anyways? Cyrus is a nice guy--er--werewolf. Ah-ha! Here it is." Kevin pulled out the sketch he'd been looking for. It was a study of Nico, holding her staff in attack position. Wispy, tentative lines captured her form, making her look delicate despite the battle-like stance he'd drawn her in. On her face was a ghost of a smile, as if she was about to laugh despite the danger.
Handing it to her, he said, "What do you think? Kind of a weak drawing, but I wanted to say thank you for saving our necks back there."
She took the drawing and tilted her head to one side. She could feel a blush rising on her cheeks. "This is really good," she said. "You're really good."
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