Chapter 2 - Scrubs

Mar 12, 2007 18:30

Chapter 2

It’s been a few hours, so I’ve relaxed. Presently, I’m sitting on Elliot’s couch watching TV and chewing on a candy necklace hanging around my neck; I found it in my room. I’m busy watching The Lion King on TV when I hear a knock on the door. It could be one of two things, one of Elliot’s neighbors or a Jehovah’s witness. If it’s a Jehovah’s witness and Turk finds out I ignored it, he’ll kill me, but if it’s one of Elliot’s neighbors and I ignore it, then she’ll kill me. So I decide to answer it.

I’m still munching on my necklace as I move to open the door. I unlock the two deadbolts, the chain and the slide, and move to open the door slowly.

Dr. Cox is there, his arms folded high on his chest and glaring down his nose at me. He’s still wearing his lab coat and his stethoscope is still hanging around his neck like he just came straight from the hospital.

I’m frozen, like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. I get the sudden notion to slam the door in his face and run, but I know that wouldn’t be the best idea in the world. Still, I give the door a gentle push, hoping it will slam closed and lock itself in his face as I take a step back.

He takes a step forward, stopping the door with his foot. My heart is beating so fast right now it can’t be healthy. I want to yell out that it wasn’t my fault, and that I didn’t mean to do it, but my mouth won’t move. Instead I jerked back before darting into my room, closing the door behind me and locking it. Stepping back, I listen carefully.

It’s when I hear the front door close and the locks being clicked into place that I panic and open the window. It isn’t until I’ve got my entire upper body hanging out the window that I realize I’m on the fourth floor. The fall would probably kill me, and I’ve never been very good at climbing.

I swear I just heard Dr. Cox mumble "Newbie" right outside the door.

The door flies open, a chunk of the doorframe flying into the room and whizzing past my head. That’s when I realized he had kicked the door open.

Oh my God I’m going to die.

He steps close. I closed my eyes and shrink as far back as I can.

"What exactly were you thinking, Newbie?" His voice isn’t loud like he’s yelling, but it’s not quiet either. I can feel his breath on my face as he speaks. "What could possibly have been running through that tiny peanut you call a brain?" He pokes the side of my head. "Well, Sara?"

It takes me a second to realize he wants me to speak. Unfortunately the only noise that comes out of my mouth is an oh-so manly squeak.

He flicks my ear. "Answer me. What were you thinking, Hana?"

"I-I didn’t mean…"

He flicks my ear again. "Not what I meant. I know you thought Barbie was standing next to you."

I am at a complete loss at what he wants me to say. Its then that I realize exactly how close he’s standing to me, mere inches or less between our chests.


"I-I don’t know what you want me to…"

"What were you thinking?" He emphasizes by flicking my ear again.

"Ouch!" I cover my ear. I think I know what he wants, but I can’t tell him. I can’t tell him that I…that I liked it.

"Newbie!" He snapped.

"I liked it!" Apparently I can.

Last will, I want Turk to have all my stuff. Elliot can fish through the box in my closet holding things all my old girlfriends left behind. There’s a box of my old toys (and not so old toys) under my bed, Jack and Elizabeth can have them, divide them up however. Dan can have….

Wait a second. Is…have I lost my mind? Is Dr. Cox….Is he kissing me?

"Be quiet, Newbie."

I nod, and he pushes me back on the bed.


I kind of always knew Dr. Cox would be the rough type.

Because Dr. Cox and I both had the day off, and Elliot wouldn’t be home until three, we stayed in bed all day.

Yea shut up.

He left at two, and it wasn’t until I heard the front door close behind him that I realized we hadn’t talked about anything. How was I supposed to act at work tomorrow? Do I act like it did happen? Or like it didn’t? Do I avoid him and act like he never found me and I’m still afraid he’s going to kill me? Am I possibly over-thinking this like I always do?

I’m going to stop thinking and sleep now, God knows I need it.

jdcox, scrubs

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