fuck you i don't care if it's too big

Feb 23, 2004 21:44

groovy201: we have fucked up conversations
y 2p d: i know
y 2p d: it's what makes us... us
groovy201: it goes from wine to placentas to porch monkeys
y 2p d: too long walks on the beach with that special someone
y 2p d: to*
groovy201: and then rabid rabbits fucking
y 2p d: and me stepping in elephant shit
groovy201: and slowly dipping a baby in sulfuric acid
y 2p d: and big breasted men
groovy201: aka tyler
y 2p d: lmao
y 2p d: y 2p d: is till haven't gotten my cotton
camel smells: sorry masa
y 2p d: he's my porch monkey
groovy201: what a loser
y 2p d: what's the difference between a microwave and anal sex?
groovy201: ?
y 2p d: the microwave wont brown your meat
groovy201: whats the difference between a gay man and a fridge
y 2p d: tacos
groovy201: the fridge doesnt fart when you pull the meat out
y 2p d: hahahaha
y 2p d: i got a big dick
groovy201: dick = anus
y 2p d: bong
groovy201: dong
groovy201: InduStriAlzombEE: Saddam's spider hole turned into a restaurant.
groovy201: hahahaa
y 2p d: so it goes from wine, to placenta, to god knows what, to faggots
y 2p d: lol
groovy201: we are cool
y 2p d: cool in our own ways
groovy201: are you going to join the navy?
y 2p d: no
y 2p d: i'm going to join the...
y 2p d: nothing
groovy201: official cult of the gigantic dongs
y 2p d: yes
y 2p d: we poke each others eyes out with our gigantic meats
groovy201: the meat of DOOOOOOOOM
y 2p d: dun dun dun
y 2p d: lol tyler thinks that a microwave browns meat
groovy201: [gasp shudder death]
groovy201: microwaves cook the water in food
groovy201: thats why when you cook bread it gets hard
y 2p d: it doesn't brown meat though
groovy201: to make the meat brown you have to actually cook the meat itself
y 2p d: this i know monkey boy
y 2p d: pickles are green'
y 2p d: so are cucumbers
y 2p d: that means pickles come from cucumbers
groovy201: or cucumbers come from pickles
groovy201: EH EH EH?!?!
y 2p d: i told my cousin to fuck his girlfriend
y 2p d: they've been going out for 8 months and he's barely kissed her
groovy201: jesus, is his girlfriend a dog or somethinG?
y 2p d: no, she's pretty good looking
y 2p d: i'd fuck her
y 2p d: haha
groovy201: youd fuck anything, alive or dead
y 2p d: nah
y 2p d: i'm picky
y 2p d: i'm so fucking bored
groovy201: im eating poptarts and listening to smashing pumpkins
y 2p d: i'm drinking wine and fucking with people's heads
groovy201: im a spic
groovy201: i OD'd on meth
y 2p d: i OD'd on life
groovy201: loser
y 2p d: fuck
y 2p d: i gave you my secret
groovy201: wtf!^^
y 2p d: kuffe
y 2p d: haha
y 2p d: penis
groovy201: kuffe
groovy201: !!!
groovy201: ????
y 2p d: i dunno
y 2p d: i'm so bore
y 2p d: d
groovy201: fuggel
y 2p d: fuyggel
groovy201: IM A PEAR!!! :DDDDd
y 2p d: I'M AN APPLE
y 2p d: i killed liberatchi
groovy201: and i killed cher
y 2p d: cher had that episode with a bike doctor... must've been before you fucking killed the dyke
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