Sep 12, 2010 18:10
Let me tells you a story.
Surprisingly decent day of work at the bar. Sales and tips were made. Not outstanding, but better than usual. Good moods were had all around.
I head home.
Getting on the interstate, I am moving faster than the slow pokes in the very right lane. Clearly, I must pass into the middle lane. It is clear. I make with legal blinky signals. I begin to move over.
A slow car a couple cars ahead moves over just after. It is still going under speed limit. I do not know why it got over, but I must decide quickly to use brakes or move to the leftmost lane (which I planned to do soon anyway. I just usually like more pause between my lane-switching, rather than flying across 3 or more.).
I choose to move over and maintain my nice speed I have happening. I check again and use blinky signals. There's is plenty of space for getting over, so I do.
Some shiny silver sports car dood in left most lane a ways behind me is in no risk of slamming brakes, in fact, he's also going slower than me (I was not flying, btw. About 5 over.). In no way did I cut him off or slow his roll. But for some reason, he makes the angry face. Like this. >:|
As I'm going slightly faster than him, I proceed to speed on my merry little way.
Fast forward to a few miles down the road.
From way back, same dood suddenly speeds up. Like.. crazy speeds up. Supah fast. He proceeds to zip through cars, shooting forward and all 3 lanes to the far right to pass people, then immediately back 3 lanes to the far left with no signals..
to cut me off.
He then slammed on his brakes a few times for NO good reason, as there was no one in front of him.
Had I not been paying attention to his shiny little blur of a car, I would have PLOWED HIS SILVERY ASS OVER WITH MY TRUCK.
But I was awake today, so I did good slowing down in preparation as he was zipping around. I didn't even have to slam on my brakes.
But I did have to smile at him..
..and carefully ride his ass as he slowed down even further..
..and smile more as he made frustrated gestures and looked in his mirrors a lot.
After a few more miles, I guess he didn't want to play anymore. :(
He slowed down,
got into the middle lane behind even slower traffic,
and made the angry face at me again.. >:|
While I drove off into the sunset.
The End