Jul 14, 2010 18:00
- 18:02 I have just seen HORRIBLE THINGS. WHY internets?! WHY?! #
- 18:10 @ PatrickAT This actually wasn't porn. This is one of many photos that should not be on DA. It's not terribad gross, but horrible wtf. #
- 18:15 @ tia_marie Oh, I am painfully aware. #
- 19:49 @ Headgames_Jason Because you don't stick beetles and tadpoles in your private parts. You JUST DON'T. That's why not. #
- 01:02 ...whut? bit.ly/d7y9tL #
- 01:04 @ ssjleviathan It may not be our same beloved Gargoyles. #
- 01:09 @ PatrickAT Yeah, I know, huh. I wonder if these people have ever heard of the show.. or if they're just BSing like they're being innovative. #
- 09:57 @ kinenbi I know, right? I miss my Cali peeps, and I'd like to meet some more! #
- 16:03 trunc.it/9ms48 - I agree, a gargoyles movie from Disney should be based on "Gargoyles"! Spread the word! #Gargoyles #
- 16:04 RT @Kythera: Cue the Facebook g
roup: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=142182852459700 #Gargoyles # - 17:07 Dear Disney, "Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining." -Nikki #Gargoyles #
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