Jun 12, 2004 10:52
yee school is over! haah i went to evalyns house after school and mallory was there. and we were just thinking of what to do... then we decided to go to the beach with tan and darren. hahah it was fun. mallory didn't go in the water that lil butt hole haha but the rest of us. after we walked main haha we asked a guy on a bike that had a cart thing in back to take us around sooo me and mallory sat in the cart thing and he was petaling us around haha it was FUN! hahahah the PIZZA MAN!! whoa we went to get pizza and the hottest guy was there!! then freakin tan had to say something stupid!! grr!! hahaha
aww i missed the LTF shoW!! i really wanted to go but mallory and evalyn didn't.. and i didn't have a ride SOO SORRY GUYS!!! i hUurRd you guys did good!! sorry that i missed it